Good Morning P7O! Welcome to the month of June and another week of Home Learning. I hope you have had a great weekend and maybe had some socially distanced encounters with folk you haven’t seen for a while. Below is some general information before the new weeks suggested Home Learning.

General Information

Article of the Week – Article 7

Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

The article helps every child know about their identity including being called your preferred name, having a birth certificate, being proud of yourself and your nationality (including heritage) and celebrating your national identity perhaps with a special day, food or music. Activity to follow in Home Learning below.

Elgin Academy Library – P7 pupils – repeat of last week’s information

Mrs. Toonen from Elgin Academy Library has added you all to EA Library Team on Glow. You may have seen this already. There are lots of recommendations and book related materials. Mrs. Toonen has uploaded a little introduction and her first recommendation – check it out.

Please finish your Film Poster this week and upload it to the EA Library Files section. More information in the ICT Section of this week’s learning.

Elgin Academy Transition

Please look on Microsoft Teams for the Elgin Academy transition page. You will find lots of information on there. It is worth watching out for the Elgin Academy Facebook page too as they are posting videos regarding transition.

Team Meet

This week’s Team meet will be on Wednesday at 10am. Discussion this week with involve another ICT session on uploading to GLOW, Article 7 examples, discussing what the best thing you did this weekend and what you do to help you get/stay calm.

Health Week Page on Website

Please explore the recently created Health Week Page on the school website. We are hosting Health Week with a difference this year. More details to follow.

Health Week 2020

Music with Mrs Taylor

Mrs Taylor has started a P7 Music page on Teams. If you wish to be part of it let me know and I’ll forward you on. Mrs Taylor also posts her weekly Music tasks too.

Music with Mrs Taylor

Home Learning

Literacy – Writing – Yearbook

This week you should continue with the two-week project to create a page for the P7 Yearbook. Emailed to you is the template of the Yearbook page. Pupils will have to take a selfie or ask a family member to take a headshot on a mobile device and upload it, insert and position the picture in their Yearbook page and complete the other sections. Pupils will then upload the finished Yearbook page onto a specific location in Teams. More details on how to do this are available on last weeks ICT lesson.

I will be reviewing the pags this week and will give feedback to each pupil. I may ask you to edit your Yearbook page and re-upload it, so please keep an eye on your GLOW inbox.

Literacy – Reading & Mindfulness

Please continue to read your chosen novel and keep up with current affairs through youth newspapers or Newsround.

For a reading comprehension activity, I have included one about Alexander Fleming. This Famous Scot seems particularly relevant at this moment. There are three levels of challenge which are indicated by the star at the bottom. Click on the link below to access it. Pupils do not need to write their answers but could verbalise them. This sometimes make it easier for them to complete.

Scottish Scientist Alexander Fleming Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Numeracy – MONEY

Previously we spoke to the pupils about profit/loss/loans/etc when we were starting our Enterprise project. We would have then progressed onto various areas of dealing with money. These would have included;

Credit Cards

Payday loans


Keeping money safe




We also learnt about other areas the pupils were interested in. We use the following website for some lesson ideas and it is worth looking at the parent and teacher resources.

Money Sense – RBS

Sumdog & HAM will be available this week too. If you wish to develop, practice or try skills that are not set, please email me through GLOW.

Health & Well-being

Can you create any questions for Richard Hastings. Richard Hastings is a Canadian soccer player, who has played for Inverness Caledonian Thistle, Ross County, Grazer AK, MVV Maastricht, Hamilton Academical and Brora Rangers. Richard played 59 times for the Canadian national team and was a member of the Canada side which won the 2000 CONCACAF Gold Cup. He will be creating a video for Health Week. The video will have a challenge and he will answer some questions posed. Please email me any questions that you have to my GLOW email by June 5th (this Friday).

Miss McNab’s Weekly challenge is still live, and she will post another on Wednesday. Keep you eye on her Twitter & Website pages.

Wednesday Challenge – Twitter

And don’t forget the Travel to Tokyo Challenge – Postcode: IV30 4DY

Travel to Tokyo Challenge

Article of the Week – Article 7

In class we would explore this in a variety of possible ways. One way to do this would be to create a decorative stone with your name on it and write all the areas that make you proud of yourself around your name. You could do this on a piece of paper, use chalk on a slab outside or decorate a rock if you can fine one.

Yearbook / Poster / EA Fact File Page Upload Instructions

Save your document and rename it with your initials or name

Log into GLOW & Click Teams

Click on P7O Team /  EA Library Team / P7 Transition

Along the top click on Files, then click the ‘P7O’ folder

Press Upload – this will open a box to attach your file

Find you file, press attach

After a few seconds it should upload and be there.


Remember I am always available. Please contact me for any issues at all.

Kind Regards,

Mr O’Neill


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