Category Archives: Numeracy


P1 have been measuring and estimating this week. Using different equipment we have been weighing objects and measuring water. We are learning to use words such as- heavy heavier heaviest, light lighter lightest, holds more holds less. There was a lot of good thinking and talking going on in the classroom!

weigh-capacity (9) weigh-capacity (15) weigh-capacity (17) weigh-capacity (7)

Making charts

P1 have been collecting data and making their own charts this week to show favourite foods, animals, colours and sports in our class. We also visited P2 and collected their data too. We used tally marks to show each persons choice.The most popular food was pizza, sport was swimming, colour was red, animal was dog.

Making charts (7) Making charts (5) Making charts (4) Making charts (8) Making charts (13)