Category Archives: Miss Begbie

Not Legal, Not Leaving

As discussed in class many undocumented workers in the US work alongside legal citizens and contribute to the country. 

Read Jose Antonio Vargas’story and his observations of life as an undocumented worker in the US at the below link.

Time Magazine: Not Legal Not Leaving

In search of the American Dream

Learn more about the challenges faced by immigrants who want to cross the border illegally from the following documentaries:

Risking it all – Chasing an Impossible Dream

Breaking into the USA

Guatemala – Illegal Immigrants searching for a better life

Migrant Families Divided at the American border

Edinburgh Study of Youth and Transitions

The Edinburgh Study is a longtitudinal study that has been conducting research into youth crime in Edinburgh over the last ten years.

Watch a summary of the findings of their research here:

Susan McVie: Youth Offending Study

You can also listen to a podcast of a lecture summarising their findings and download the presentation here:

“A Society of Captives”? Prof Lesley McAra lecture

Modern Studies e-Portfolio instructions.

We would like you to update your e-portfolios with more detailed information and evidence of your learning in Modern Studies.

 To do this you should think about writing a post for each unit we have studied so far which includes:

 1. A ‘learner statement’ paragraph that details what you have learnt.  Please do not only write the learning intentions for the unit, you should write a couple of sentences for each that explains what you have learnt.  You may need to refer to jotters to help you do this. 

2. Include evidence and information that you found out as part of your research tasks, you could also update your completed powerpoints as evidence of your learning.

 3. Research tasks – you have done a research task for each unit, you should also evaluate how well you think you did this.  Were you able to find information, what websites did you find the most useful, could you improve your research techniques?

 4. Skills –

We have been learning to write a report within the Poverty unit, how well are you  following the structure, what would you like to  improve on?

We have been learning how to review and select information and   evidence from written and statistical sources.  How well did you do this?  What did you learn about how to do this? 

 You should be able to do the above for each of the two units studied so far.  More detail on the learning intentions for these units is below:

International Issues

 Learning Intentions for the unit: 

  • To explore what ideology is.
  • To investigate the differences between Communism and Capitalism.
  • To learn about the One Child Policy and explore the advantages and disadvantages of this policy.
  • I can research a chosen issue within China and present my findings in an appropriate manner.


 Social Issues: Poverty in the UK

 Learning Intentions 

  • To investigate the causes and consequences of poverty.
  • To explore the role of Government in reducing poverty and inequality.
  • To develop decision-making skills and report writing skills.

 Once you have completed updating your portfolio please let your teacher know so that we can add our own comments.

Libya Timeline Homework Task


Due the week after the long weekend, please research and make a poster which shows the main timeline of the Libya conflict.

Include in your poster:

  1. The start date of the revolution in Libya
  2. The date of the Security Council meeting
  3. Key dates from during the conflict
  4. The date that Gadaffi was found.

For each date, summarise what happened and add quotes from people involved.

You could also include pictures of the events and add ‘thought bubbles’ with your opinions on each event.  You could even find out what life is like for people in Libya now that Gadaffi is no longer in charge.

To find out the information use the following websites:

Newsround: What’s happening in Libya

BBC: Libya\’s Story

Researching the Universal Credit

The Government has recently introduced a new law to reform the benefit system.

One proposal is to introduce the Universal Credit which is a new single payment for those looking for work or on a low income.  It will replace the Working Tax Credit and other benefits such as Jobseekers Allowance, Income support and Child Tax Credit.

Your task is to collate a file of evidence which will help you to make a decision as to whether you agree with this new system or disgree with it.

Use the websites listed below to help you in your research.

Collect a variety of different types of evidence to use.

What is good evidence?

You have two lessons to collect the following types of evidence:

Source 1: Factfile – what is the Universal Credit, who will it affect and how?

Source 2: Statistical Evidence

Source 3: viewpoints – quotes from people supporting and opposing the new system.


Department for Work & Pensions Website

BBC News: Q&A Universal Credit

BBC: Welfare reform hitting lone parents

Telegraph: 2 million will be better off refusing work.

Infographic on low income in the UK

Conditions Uncertain – the impact of the Universal Credit

The impact of tax credits over the last ten years