S1 Exploring the Scottish Parliament.

How the Scottish Parliament works

 Follow this link:


 Answer the below questions in your jotter.

1. What is a Parliament?

2. What can Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) do?

3. In your jotter create a timeline that shows the creation of the Scottish Parliament.   Make sure to include the following years.

4. What were the Scottish people asked in 1997?

5. What was their answer?

6. What are devolved matters?  Can you give examples.

7.  What are reserved matters?  Can you give examples.

8. How many MSPs are there?

If you finish these questions explore the debating chamber in the Scottish Parliament:


Can you find out the following:

1. The names of the political parties within the Parliament.

2. The leaders of each party and how many MSPs they have.

3. The job of the Presiding Officer.

 Download these instructions here: How the Scottish Parliament works

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