The Parent Child Relationship

In the context of a group setting, supported by two professional Art Therapists, parents are invited to co-create artwork with their child and work together on a shared piece of art.  They are able to witness how other parent child relationships are around them.  They are given a focus for activity and quality time with their child.  They can build skills, confidence and awareness around their relationship with their child. Everyone is invited to share their experiences with the group.

Then the parents and children are asked to create their own artwork independently from each other.  The parents being attended to by one of the therapists, while the children lead by the other therapist.  This fosters the ability to separate; gives time for the parents to discuss issues without their child, suggestions and help for parenting can be shared.  The children meanwhile have a meaningful activity and can have fun playing and creating artwork themselves.

Finally the session draws to an end with time for parents and children to come back together, the parent and child discussing with each other what they have made in their time away.  This enables them to share their stories of what was created when apart from each other.

The session enables quality creative time between a parent and their child.  The session is run on a one parent per one child basis.  This gives an opportunity for a parent to focus attention onto one child (useful for parents who have more than one child) and to develop that relationship without other members of the family interfering or interrupting.

For More Details contact:
Beverley A’Court beverleyacourt@yahoo.co.uk
Kathy White kathy@joyfulparents.co.uk