Category Archives: Applegrove News

Bowled Over!

Our P6/7s had a fantastic day out in Elgin with a visit to Pinz Bowling and swimming at the Moray Leisure Centre.  We saw some amazing bowling with Gracie-Mae and Owen scoring strikes.  Cameron and Owen were the top scorers with 90 points each. After bowling the pupils enjoyed a splash in the pool and had fun on the flumes. A great day was had by all.

Ski Trip Update

They have all weathered the storm and are having a blast ! Although it has been too windy to go up into the mountains we have all had a go on the dry slope as well as getting to do adventure challenges, zip wire, climbing wall, abseiling and mission impossible … they will tell you all about it! There will be lots of muddy clothes coming home! The staff here are hopeful that the weather will be better for skiing tomorrow as the winds are due to die down.  Everyone is well and the staff here have commented on how polite the Applegrove children are. I’ll try to upload some photos later.

Olympic Biscuits

Today our P6/7s were busy baking shortbread biscuits. The biscuits were iced with a Winter Olympics snow and gold confetti theme.  As well as learning about baking shortbread, the pupils were reminded of good food hygiene standards.


Christmas Party

The P7s has a great night at their Christmas Party and had a fantastic time dancing, playing games and sitting down to supper.  All the Social Dancing in the gym hall really paid off as the P7s demonstrated their dancing skills while being played to by a live band.  They took part in Musical Arms, Folding Newspapers and a disco dancing competition.  The evening ended by joining arms and singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ with family.  A big thank you from the P7s goes out to everyone who helped at the party. Thank you!

Logie Windfarm

The Eco Community TOPS group had the opportunity to visit Logie Windfarm on the Logie Estate.  Whilst there, David Jackson the Wind Farm Area Manager for the North Scotland and Lindsey Jackson, Moray Council Energy Technician talked us through the workings of the turbines and the amount of energy that they provide us with.  We were also invited into the Operations Room to take shelter from the windy conditions where some of the pupils were fitted with the climbing gear worn by workers climbing to the top of the turbines.  David and Lindsey told us that anyone is welcome to take a walk around the wind farm where you are guaranteed great views of the Firth accompanied by some cool wind turbine sounds!  On the way back to school Josh entertained us with his amusing tour guide from the front of the bus.

Forres ASG Rugby Tournament

The P7s had a fantastic morning out at the Forres ASG Rugby Tournament in Kinloss.  After cycling at a good pace to Kinloss we were split in to two groups and took part in a variety of rugby skills based activities.  The competition element involved try to kick the ball between the uprights.  Although we did pretty well, Kinloss Primary scored more points and won the tournament- well done to Kinloss Primary P7s!

Forres ASG Orienteering

The sun was shining today for the Forres Schools Orienteering event.  Sixteen children from Applegrove took part and showed resourcefulness and resilience in their mapping skills, stamina and perseverance.  Well done to Milly Hepple – 1st in the Girls B Team. Lauren Anderson – 3rd in the Girls B Team and Fergus Kenyon – 2nd in the Boys A Team.