Category Archives: Applegrove News

Dog Owners

Can we  request that dogs are not brought into the school grounds (even if they are on leads)? This is school policy. If you bring a dog when you drop off, or pick up children you will need to wait outside the school boundary. Many thanks for you cooperation.

Don’t spill a drop…

Over the past few weeks in P4/5N we have been learning about different types of measurement. This week we have been looking at capacity. First we did some estimating, looking at the shapes of the containers to try and work out which containers we thought would hold the most liquid.

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We realised that it was quite tricky to estimate with some of the containers due to all their different shapes so decided we would need to investigate further. Out came the water!

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It was quite difficult to make sure we didn’t spill any as this would make our measurements less accurate. The classroom (and the children!) got very wet but we all enjoyed trying out different ways of measuring and comparing, to check if our estimations were correct.

Tippy Tap

In our Global Citizenship group, Water Works, P1-4 have been learning about how important it is to have clean water to wash your hands.  We learned that in some countries where people don’t wash their hands with clean water there are a lot more illnesses and diseases. To try to solve this problem we learned that ‘Tippy Taps’ are built to provide people with a way to wash their hands if they don’t have running water from a tap.  We had a go at building some of our own too.  They worked really well – even though our feet did get a little wet!

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Global Poverty Meets Sustainability

Pupils from P5 – 7 looked at the work done in Africa by the charity Send-a-cow. Families have taken ownership of their very own cow which has improved the health and life chances of many children. Youngsters now look forward to regular meals and the money from selling the calves is used to send children to school. The children now have more energy and want to play – they make their own games and toys from things that they find.

We made toy cars from plastic bottles, milk tops, sticks and pebbles. The pebbles were used as ballast, the stick axles had to be straight and secure the wheels – all this before test drives were made! Everyone made a great effort and agreed that recycling junk was not only environmentally friendly but challenging and a whole lot of fun too. We also played ‘Mokuu’ with a ball made of plastic bags. This proved to be a game of speed and strategy. It was entertaining watching the builders trying to build their tower of stones before attackers caught them out!DSCN0443






