Category Archives: Applegrove News

Day One at Abernethy House

Arrived at Abernethy House by noon and unloaded the bus. We explored the grounds and had our packed lunches. Next, ski kit was issued and then off we went to try out on the dry ski slope. In warm sunshine those that had never been on skis before learnt how to side step up the hill, ski downhill and stop, use a button tow and ski with turns.  Next, we had a swim and then unpacked in our rooms. Evening meal was very welcome after all this! The tuck shop did a roaring trade and then we played games. Explore took place in the theatre and soon we will all be ready for bed – well the grown ups are!!

A good nights sleep was had by everyone.


Ski Week, Day 1 – Beetle Drive

On the first day of ski week, P6 and P7 pupils not skiing, took the lead to teach the children at Applegrove how to play the Beetle Drive.  After learning how to play the game themselves, they wrote instructions, made game sheets and planned out how they would deliver their lessons.  They then set off in groups to work with P1 through to P5, great fun was had by all.

Now that the children know how to play the game, we hope that they can come along with family to the PTA Beetle Drive on Friday 24th for a fun evening – and maybe win a prize!

Forres Primary Schools Cross Country

Mrs Meehan and Mrs Wright with delighted runners.

Ian McKenzie, President of Forres Harriers with winning individuals of P4/5 boys race

First three individuals from P6/7 Girls race

First three individuals from P6/7 Boys race

Applegrove team at the end – looking damp but happy

A huge well done to Applegrove children who ran at Grant Park this morning.  It was a bit wet and muddy but it didn’t stop you all showing what you are made of! Some fine performances this morning that made us very proud of you ALL.


Thank you to former Applegrove pupil David Spencer, who was hare for all four races! Thanks to Forres Harriers for hosting the event and your parents for coming along to watch you.


Today, in TOPS, we made a small fire.  Turf was dug, birch bark was lit with a flint and steel and kindling was carefully added.  We talked about why we have fires and children came out with all the reasons; keep warm, scare away animals, cook on, sit around and sing camp songs and Kaiden Falconer said very thoughtfully, “fires are nice to watch.”  Everyone stayed behind the boundary rope and a few children at a time were invited to come and toast a marshmallow.

PE at Forres Academy

P7H, along with 6W and P6/7M have been going to Forres Academy for PE lessons. While there we have been able to experience new activities such as paddling skills, circuit fitness and boxing.  It has also helped us in our transition phase, allowing us to become more familiar with the school as well as experiencing  the busy corridors when the Academy pupils change classes.

Being MSP’s


The Presiding Officer starts the debate with two strikes of the gavel.

Today, Primary 6 gained insight into the workings of the Scottish Parliament from Mrs Miller, who works for the Scottish Parliament Outreach Programme. They learnt about Scotland’s regions and constituencies, how to vote, what the Parliament had control over, what MSP’s did, what the Presiding Officer does and how decisions are made in the Debating Chamber.

After listening to Mrs Miller and using the ‘clickpads’ to give their answers to an interactive quiz, it was time to become candidates for an election. In groups, they formed political parties – Save the Earth, Music, Computer, Animal Welfare, School and Sports. Each group had to come up with a Manifesto which was then delivered by each party leader to the class. Votes were then cast on  Ballot papers, counted and the winning party announced.

There was also the opportunity for a debate, just like the MSP’s do in Edinburgh when they want to make changes to things like Education, Transport, Farming or Health. Todays motion for debate was ‘Should smoking be banned?’ The newly elected MSP’s discussed their ideas and then under the watch of the Presiding Officer gave their opinions. Everyone voted and the motion was passed – this meant it would become law and signed by Her Majesty the Queen.

Inter-House Cross Country

Today five races were run around varying distance cross country courses.  P3 children tried out a cross country race for the very first time, showing good form.  T Stuart were the winning house for P4/5 boys and girls and Wallace were the winning house for P6/7 boys and girls.

And we’re off! The start of the highly competitive P4/5 boys race.

All P4 – 7 boys and girls are invited to run for Applegrove on Saturday 4th March at the Forres Primary Schools Cross Country.  Registration at 10:15 in the Cricket Pavilion, first race 11:00 P4/5 girls and every 10 minutes after.  Prize giving at 12 noon.  Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each race and trophy for the best school.