Author Archives: Mrs Maclennan

Ski Trip Update

They have all weathered the storm and are having a blast ! Although it has been too windy to go up into the mountains we have all had a go on the dry slope as well as getting to do adventure challenges, zip wire, climbing wall, abseiling and mission impossible … they will tell you all about it! There will be lots of muddy clothes coming home! The staff here are hopeful that the weather will be better for skiing tomorrow as the winds are due to die down.  Everyone is well and the staff here have commented on how polite the Applegrove children are. I’ll try to upload some photos later.

May holiday

Just a reminder that school is closed on Friday 28th April and next Monday 1st May . Apologies if any parents were unaware of this.

To see all holiday dates for this session and 2017/18 click here

School Council Meeting 24.04.17

Message from school council chairperson:

We’re holding a parent council meeting on Monday the 24th of April at 7.30. We would all love to see some new faces around the table. If you feel this is of any interest to you please come along or get in touch with myself if you have any questions, feel free to email me,

Beetle Drive

Unfortunately due to absences and lack of numbers, the Beetle Drive on Friday night had be cancelled – there were not enough tables to make the event viable for the Mosset . Despite the hard work of the PTA and the non skiers to hold mini beetle drives in the school, it is a shame that there was such a low level of interest from families. If you have some good ideas for effective fundraising events or just social events  which encourage family participation we would be grateful to hear of them – you can comment by following us on Twitter at ApplegrovePS . The PTA are aways happy to hear of new ideas to fund raise so that we can improve outcomes for our pupils.