Monthly Archives: May 2017

Anyone for tennis?

    TOPS Tennis group at Forres Tennis Club

These Primary 4 and 5 boys certainly are.  All of them are making very good progress with their tennis skills.  They are showing good control when rallying with different partners and love playing the game ‘I’m in Heaven’.

John Muir Session 2

Today we began to understand the term ‘bio-diversity’.  We looked at images of living things found in woodland and began to realise there was a large variety of plant life, insects, animals and birds to be found.  Next we were tasked to collect small samples of plant life such as clover, leaf litter, bark, pine needles, lichen, and so on.  The best bit was going back to sit in our ‘special place’ to arrange our collections onto a sticky strip. We got the chance to show our partners our work and discuss our samples.  Again the weather was warm and sunny and it was nice to be in the dappled shade of the woods this afternoon.  Thank you to all the mums who came to help today.

Je suis faim!

At the end of last term, the P7 French class got to sample some French food.  This came after a lot of hard work spent learning vocabulary for food and writing their own scripts for ordering food at a restaurant.

On offer was Ratatouille, Baguette, Croissant, Brie, Port Salut, Roule, Ardennes Pâté and Crêpes au chocolat.  Some items were unfamilair to some but everyone sampled everything and it was quickly devoured.  The general concensus was that french food is….. délicieux!



Boxing @ Academy

P6/7M’s last session of PE at Forres Academy was hands down the most fun – we had a go at Boxing and Sparring.  Everyone got the chance to wear the gloves and ‘jab and cross’ at our partner who was wearing the pads.  The best part was having a go at sparring against the dummy knicknamed by many as ‘Bob’.  Even Mrs McRitchie and Mrs Galbraith got the gloves on and had a go!


Food Scientists

33 children from across P4 – 7 have chosen to spend their Thursday afternoons investigating food. In the first experiment session the children were finding out just how fatty some cheeses can be. Their conclusion? Steer clear of mature cheddar – go for the goat’s cheese!


John Muir – Group 2 – Day 1

Following in the foot steps of yesterday’s group, the other half of P5 and 6 enjoyed the beautiful weather at Sanquhar Community Woods. They also explored the area and each found a special place on their own to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the surroundings. On their return to school the children commented that their afternoon had been “exciting” and “tiring”!

John Muir Award

Return walk after an afternoon’s work in Sanquhar Community Woods.

Today pupils from P5 and P6 began their weekly visits to Sanquhar Woods .  They will be working towards gaining their John Muir Discovery Award.  Pupils showed respect as they entered the woodland home of birds, insects and animals.  First task of the session was for pupils to come up with ideas about how to stay safe in the woods.  With safety in mind, they went off in pairs to explore.  Finally they went to find a ‘special place’ to sit all by themselves.  As the photographs show, pupils were very engrossed in explaining the features of their special place and how they felt.  On their return pupils described they felt happy, relaxed, secure and peaceful about being sat in their own wild space.  We were very lucky to have such a beautiful afternoon and thanks to the parents who helped out.