Scotland’s Urban Past

Today we worked with the team from Scotland’s Urban Past in our quest to be ‘Urban Detectives’. We decided to take Applegrove and schooldays as our history focus because the school has changed a lot in the last year or so.
Nikki, Fiona and Danny taught us how to carry out an interview in order to gather oral history. We created questions that would gather lots of information and open up a conversation. We were shown how to use the video cameras and filmed interviewers and interviewees. We watched our films and evaluated how effective they were.
In the afternoon we showed the team our school day memorabilia; lots of photos, reports, certificates and jotters. We learnt how to catalogue and archive our school day artefacts. We had a very interesting day.
So many of the skills we tried out today are needed in the world of work; research, museum work, film making, interviewing, literacy, working outdoors, team work…

Nikki briefs the class on interview technique.

Nikki briefs the class on interview techniques.

Danny shows us how to use the camera.

Danny shows us how to use the camera.



Being interviewed.

Isla, Dylan and Grace being interviewed.

Finlay and Diarmuid use zoom and panning skills with Fiona's advice.

Finlay and Diarmuid use zoom and panning skills with Fiona’s advice.