Up, Up and Away…

This term’s learning context for 6W is titled Up, Up and Away where pupils are studying the solar system, forces, gravity and air resistance.  Pupils have extended their class based learning by choosing a two week homework project.  On Friday we had talks about Isaac Newton and gravity, and pictures showing what life would be like without gravity.  Millie Hepple reviewed a film clip, La Voyage de la Lune, explaining what was fact and what was fiction.  Creativity came to the fore with collage pictures of rockets, planets and the universe, while the Race into Space was documented chronologically in a number of imaginative ways.  Emily Thomas demonstrated how Earth orbits the Sun with her model, while Leigh Morrison explained the effects of being in space on the human body.  A flick book showing the Moon’s phases was made by Finlay McGhee – this fitted in well with the Moon being closest to Earth in 7o years on Monday 14th November.  A number of pupils tackled the baking challenge and many cakes, tray bakes, cookies and cake pops were created into stars and planets.  The enthusiasm of the children as they proudly present their homework is wonderful.  They show resourcefulness, creativity, the ability to meet a challenge and respect for each others work – all skills that prepare them well for their futures.