Category Archives: Class Post


P6B have been working so hard on their robot kits. Each group were given a robot kit and have had to follow lots of instructions to build the first section. We are about to start building ‘The Claw’, which will allow the robots to pick things up!


In a couple of weeks we are going to have a Hawthornden Competition for all of the robots to compete against each other, completing a selection of challenges.

P7 camp!!

Who can believe that it is time to think about P7 already?

Children that paid their camp deposit received their payment booklets this week (March 14th).

Money being paid in to the office should be brought in along with the green booklet so we can keep track of the payments paid.

It’ll be here before we know it!


New Year, New Term!

Great to see everyone back in good form this week in Primary 6! We’ve got off to a really busy start by beginning our IDL topic – space. Our learners have told us what they would like to find out about so we can use their voice to guide our planning.

We are going to the zoo on Monday 6th February for the ‘Cycle of Life’ trip.

A termly newsletter will be going home shortly to let you know our plans for Term 3 so keep your eyes peeled!

Money/Finance Week

Last week it was money and finance week across our whole school. We had visitors from the high school, who taught us about exchange rates and currency. As well as this Mrs Scott and Mrs Lawson came to explain how money is used in our school office. They left us a budgeting challenge to complete, where we looked at the stationery brochures to try and buy enough stationery for our school. It really was quite a challenge!

Cooperative Learning

We have been doing some cooperative learning to learn about Earthquakes. It allows everyone in a home-team to become an ‘expert’ about a part of the topic before each member of the home-team comes back together to teach each other what they have learned. It’s a great way to take responsibility for our learning! img_6904 img_6905 img_6906

Update on Mi:Space

On the last week of Term one P6B created a ‘Sway’ presentation to outline their wishlist for furniture and fittings for the Mi:Space project. We totaled up the points we had spent and looks like we have spent about half of our total points, leaving half left for additional items and technologies! The team at Mi:Space are really busy trying to work through our order!

Miss Addis went to a training event on the 27th for VEX robots to explore how these will be used in our classroom. They look fantastic, with lots of opportunities to learn new skills within technologies and develop further social skills!