Religious and Moral Education
As a denominational school, St Patrick’s reflects the faith perspective of the Roman Catholic Church. Religious and moral education takes place within the context of the Catholic faith community. Religious education in Catholic schools is designed to nurture faith and assist children and young people to be able to make an informed response to God in faith. ‘This is Our Faith’ is used to plan for learning in RE. Primary 6 also enrol in the Pope Francis Faith Award and continue this work into Primary 7.
‘God’s Loving Plan’, the Catholic sex education programme, is implemented from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Sex and Relationship education is an integral part of our health education programme. It focuses on the physical, emotional, moral and spiritual development of all children. Parents are fully informed of the content and purpose of sex and relationship education in schools and have the opportunity to discuss this with school staff. On an occasion where a parent wishes to exercise the right to withdraw his/her child from sex and relationship education they should discuss their concerns with school staff (as per Inverclyde Council’s policy “Sexual Health and Relationship Education”).
In conjunction with our school chaplain, Monsignor Gerry Gallagher, arrangements are made for children to attend Church for Mass and for Mass to be offered in the school hall on holy days of obligation and special feasts. Children also plan for and participate in Class Mass. Children are trained to fully participate in the Liturgy. Parents are the prime educators of our children and therefore we like to involve parents as much as possible in the children’s Religious Education. Hence, we invite you to join us when we celebrate Mass in Church or during the preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. In Lent and Advent we also come together as a school community to reflect on the season on a Friday morning before school begins, and all members of our school community are welcome to attend and participate with us.
Parents from other religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests detailing the proposed arrangements will be considered. Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register. The right of parents to withdraw their child from corporate acts of worship and religious instruction exists in law.
St Patrick’s is a Rights Respecting School (Silver and Going for Gold in 2021)