Our Vision, Aims & Values

Our School Vision

Through the highest quality learning experiences, in the nurturing, inclusive, faith community of All Saints Primary, every child has every chance to succeed.


Our School Values

Respect, Honesty, Kindness and Determination


Our Aims

Working within “Curriculum for Excellence”, we strive to provide the highest quality of learning and teaching.  We try to ensure that all our children attain and achieve their full potential and acquire a full range of skills and abilities.

We aim for our pupils to become:

Successful Learners

We will aim to provide the highest quality of teaching, providing all with opportunities to develop their talents and achieve their full potential.

Confident Individuals

We want our children to be ambitious for themselves and their school, local and parish communities.

Responsible Citizens

We want our children to have respect for themselves and others.  We aim to foster a positive attitude towards our own Scottish culture and to explore the cultures of other countries and faiths.

Effective Contributors

We will aim to provide opportunities for all our children to be enterprising, resilient and independent. We will develop children’s skills and abilities to be able to work on their own initiative and also as part of a team.





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