Whole School Global Citizenship Assembly

On Friday 15th June the whole school took part in an assembly which was a culmination of this term’s work on the Olympic games.

Each class had prepared a presentation on one of the countries which had come high in the medal tables at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The presentations were all very imaginative, with facts, figures, songs, poetry, action games and dance being used to describe each country.

The assembly finished with an exciting Chinese dragon dance from primary 6a.

In case you are wondering, the top 18 countries at Beijing in descending order were:

China, the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Italy, France,  the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Kenya, Jamaica, Spain, Belarus, Romania and Ethiopia.

Primary 5 at the ‘Tall Ships Tale’

On the 12th June our primary 5 pupils joined with primary 5 children from every primary school in Inverclyde to put on a performance of ‘Tall Ships Tale’.

The pupils worked all year with Ann Lawrence from the Inverclyde Youth Music Initiative to prepare for the show which was written by local composer Alan Beck.

The show, which is based on the adventures of Scottish-born pirate Captain Kidd and last year’s visit of the Tall Ships race to Greenock, also involved secondary school pupils in the main roles and pupils from Lilybank, Garvel and Glenburn.   

As you can see, they put on a fantastic performance.

Primary 4 Trip to Rothesay

Primary 4, their teachers, Mrs. Devenney and Miss McArthur and classroom assistants Mrs. McLachlan, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs Dunn and Mrs. Kennedy, visited the island of Bute as a finale to their topic, ‘Clyde Coastal Towns’.

They travelled by bus to Wemyss Bay where they boarded the ferry at the famous Victorian railway station and pier.

Arriving in the main town of Rothesay they visited the ancient castle which was built in the early 13th century.

After a walk round the famous seaside town, and an icecream, they headed home damp but happy!

P5a Assembly – The Olympics

Primary 5a  presented an excellent assembly about the Olympics.

A group of Greek gods and goddesses explained how the ancient games came into being over 2000 years ago.

We were told about the birth of the modern games in 1896. We also heard  about some of the 33 different Olympic sports and about a few outstanding athletes.

The pupils had learned their lines amazingly well and delivered them loudly and clearly.

Excellent job P5a, Miss Barr and Mrs Kennedy!

Click on the first picture to see a larger view.

Primary 2b Assembly: Joseph

Primary 2b’s assembly was about the bible story of Joseph and the coat of many colours. The children acted out the story. They also explained what jealousy is and how it can hurt other people. The children and the audience sang ‘Sing a Rainbow’ and ‘Any Dream Will Do’.

P2c St. Patrick’s Day Assembly

Primary 2c educated and entertained the staff and pupils with their St. Patrick’s Day assembly.

The talented pupils presented a mixture of facts, songs, poems and riddles about the ‘Emerald Isle’.

There was even a real live leprechaun giving out gold coins to people who guessed the answer to the riddles.


Science and Technology Showcase

All classes took part in the Science and Technology Showcase event on the 15th March.  Newark Nursery, Port Glasgow High School and Lilybank School also took part. Parents and other visitors were invited to view the children’s work.

 Each class made a display board to show off what they have been learning about this term. Pupils took turns explaining their class display to the visitors and answering questions.

See if you can spot each class’s work in the pictures below. Here are some clues to help you!

Click on a picture to see a larger view.

P1a The Stars/ P1b The Sun/ P1c  The Moon/ P1d Night and Day

P2a Weather-Melting Ice/ P2b Seasonal Changes-Spring/ P2c Energy Sources-Using Light

 P3a Magnetism-Duck Game/ P3b Living Eggs-Hatching Chicks/ P3c Forces-Magnets

 P4a Clyde in the Classroom/ P4b Solids, Liquids, Gases

 P5a Endangered Species/ P5b Our Solar System

 P6a Crime Scene Investigation/ P6b

 P7a Fizz, Bang, Boom/  P7b

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