P6/7 McMillan Coffee Morning

The children in Primary 6a and 7a organised a coffee morning in October in aid of MacMillan Cancer Charity. Each year, people all over the country take part in The World’s Biggest Coffee morning and the  children of Newark thought this would be a great opportunity for them to raise money. Miss Barr and Miss Munro were extremely proud of the children as they worked together carrying out their roles. Parents, grandparents, and  friends were invited to come along and they had a great turnout on the day. In total the children raised an amazing £940.

P3c Living Eggs (“The Chicks!”)

On Monday 10th September, 10 eggs were delivered to Primary 3c by the
Living Eggs programme. We had to keep them warm in an incubator.

On Tuesday our eggs began to pip (started to crack – chick pecking its
way out)

On Wednesday morning 2 eggs had hatched and we had 2 chicks when we
came into class. By the afternoon we had watched as 5 eggs hatched.

By Thursday morning all 10 eggs had hatched and we had 5 male and 5
female chicks . The pupils were very excited to watch the eggs hatch
and see 10 new born chicks in their classroom.

Everday we have to clean out the brooder and give them fresh water and

We have learned a lot about the life cycle of a chicken getting to see
it first hand. Everday we fill out a diary taking note of the changes
we see and what we have been learning.

We have discussed animal instincts, dependency of animals to parents
and we are now testing out some new food to add to their diet.

The Living Eggs programme ties in perfectly with our Harvest/ Farm
topic. The children have been learning about life on a farm
particularly at harvest time and have had first hand practice at caring
for one of the farm animals.

Quotes from children on the experience:

“I was very excited last Monday when the chicks arrived. I have enjoyed
telling the other classes all about the chicks when they have come to
visit.” Kacey Reilly

“We have made posters to tell all the other classes to come and visit
our chicks.” Hayden Baxter

“I don’t want them to go to a farm because I’ll miss them.” Marion

“We have loved having them in the class.” Lucy Hardie

By Miss McLaughlin

P2b at Finlaystone Country Estate

On Thursday 21st June the intrepid primary 2’s set off in drizzly weather to Finlaystone Country Estate for their Summer trip.

Despite the damp conditions the children had a great time follwing a treasure trail arranged by the park rangers, playing in the playpark and exploring the woods.

P3 at the Comet Festival

 On Thursday 21st June the pupils of primary 3 took part in a parade as part of the week long Port Glasgow Comet Festival.

The festival which this year celebrated the 200th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the famous steam ship , P.S. Comet, involved local schools, businesses and residents.

Primary 3 carried wonderful creatures that they had created with willow and tissue paper with the support of Alan from Composite Arts.

Primary 5 Trip to Scottish Sealife Centre

As part of their topic ‘Nim’s Island’ Primary 5 visited the Scottish Sealife Centre at Lomond Shores.

They saw many sea creatures including rays, otters and different varieties of fish.

Before they went home they played in the adventure playground and were lucky to see the famous steamer the Maid of the Loch.

P7a World War Two Display

Primary 7 with the help of teacher Mrs. Linn and classroom assistant Mr. Gardner made this stunning wall display to show off the work they had done about WW2.

If you look carefully you will see Churchill, Stalin, General de Gaulle, Hitler, Emperor Hirohito and a crowd of tearful evacuees.

P6 Trip to Scotland Street Museum

Primary 6 enjoyed a visit to Scotland Street School Glasgow’s famous museum of education.

Housed in a school building designed by famous Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh the museum gives pupils a taste of what school was like in bygone days.

No talking, no shouting out, no water bottles and very little fun.  A nightmare for the pupils but Heaven for the staff? Not really. Even teachers Mr. Blyth and Miss Munro found the Victorian teacher quite scary!

P6 Cycling Proficiency

A regular feature of the summer term in Newark Primary is the P6 Cycling Proficiency training.

Organised by class teachers Miss Munro and Mr Blyth the children enjoy regular lessons on the theory and practice of riding a bike throughout the term.

At the end of their training the pupils have the opportunity to gain a proficiency certificate.

Residential Trip to Ardentinny

In May the Primary 6 pupils went to Ardentinny outdoor education centre on the West shore of Loch Long.

The pupils took part in a wide variety of outdoor and team building activities and had great fun in the process.

The teachers, Mr, Blyth and Miss Munro agreed that the children’s exemplary behaviour made this one of the best residential trips ever.

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