P7 Leaver’s Dance 2015

What a great night!  Our young people were a credit to the school!  They all looked very smart in suits, kilts and tuxedos and the girls looked gorgeous in stunning dresses.  Behaviour was impeccable and reflected our school values to a tee!

Some of our boys even asked the teachers up for a dance ;-))


Astronauts visit Newark!!

We were very fortunate to have an astronaut from NASA and a NASA engineer visit us in school!  Tom Marshburn and Heather spoke to all the children about their jobs with Tom telling the children about his 6 month post on the Space Station.  The children asked very intelligent questions, which Tom praised them for.


Primary 1c – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Primary 1 have been learning about Fairyland.  A dragon visited the class and asked all the children to keep reading fairy stories because people are beginning to disbelieve in Fairyland.  They read the story about Goldilocks and decided to make porridge using a variety of flavours and using a microwave to heat it up.  They also learned about the importance of hand hygiene too.

P2a Assembly – The Rainforest

Primary 2a taught all their parents and the rest of the school about the Rainforest.  There was a scientist telling us about the importance of trees and a variety of animals and insects explaining the layers of the forest and why they are important to their existence.  Well done P2a!

School Show 2015

Our School Show the year was ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’.  The children were confident performers and the audience laughed in all the right places!  Have a look at the actors – we’re sure you’ll see them on the ‘big screen’ one day!

Primary 4/5 visit Kelvingrove

To complete their topic learning about Egyptians, Primary 4/5 headed to Kelvingrove.  They took part in an interactive workshop where they dressed up as Egyptians, handled Egyptian artefacts and then explored the museum.  Have a look at the pictures below!

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