Monthly Archives: September 2018

My Inspirations for Teaching

Since a young age I have been inspired by my primary teachers. I love looking back on the days of my first learning experiences when my initial interest for primary teaching was brought to life. One of my teachers in primary school not only helped me become confident individual I am today but really sparked my interest of being a primary teaching by being a trustworthy adult I could speak to in any situation. She was a true support system and always wanted the best from me, within and without school. This gave me more of an interest for primary teaching as I wanted to be that adult for children to look up to as a role model.

Another reason I decided primary teaching was for me was when I would be looking after my younger cousin with cerebral palsy. She struggles with day to day occurrences and always needs someone to be looking out for her. My auntie would tell me how little support she often got in her school, with school work, bullies and what most people found easy but were difficult tasks for her. This filled me with passion to be that one teacher in the future that could help children, like my cousin, who didn’t have the same skill level as others.

An important hobby I take part in is dance and musical theatre. As this is a big part of my life I wanted to give other children the same opportunity to find their passion in this lifestyle and helped out at my dance school. I did this by taking/assisting young children’s dance classes. Alongside this, for the past year I have taught gymnastics to primary age children and I truly love the experience. This gave me more of an insight into working with children the age of 4 and above, and how entertaining and rewarding it can be. It helped me confirm with myself I was most definitely going down the right career path.