Vision Schools Scotland

University of the West of Scotland

October 10, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

2nd Generation Event held at Dumfries High School

Dumfries High School were recently awarded their Vision Schools Scotland Level 1 Award. As part of the award celebration, Lead Teacher, Miss Smithard meticulously organised a Second Generation Survivor event in the school on Thursday 5th October 2023.

Over 300 guests were welcomed to hear first hand,  Holocaust survivors Henry and Ingrid Wuga’s daughters; Hilary Hodsman and Gillian Field, tell their parents story to an audience of S3, Higher History pupils, S5 RME pupils from a neighbouring High School, councillors, MSP’s, members of the public and friends of the school.

Vision Schools Scotland were delighted to help facilitate this amazing event and in partnership with Holocaust Educational Trust continue to promote excellence in Holocaust Education.

Find out more about Vision Schools Scotland at Vision Schools Scotland | UWS


Left to Right front row: Miss Lizzie Smithard, Mrs Gillian Field (Henry & Ingrid Wuga’s daughter) S6 Dumfries HS pupils, Mrs Hilary Hodsman (Henry & Ingrid Wuga’s daughter)

Left to Right back row:  Elyssa Ramage Vision Schools Scotland, Dr Andrew Killen, Vision Schools, S6 Dumfries HS Pupil, Dr Catriona Oates, Vision Schools Scotland, Mr Philip Cubbon, Head Teacher Dumfries HS, Jane Caffrey; Vision Schools Scotland and Prof Henry Maitles Vision Schools Scotland

June 20, 2023
by Jane Caffrey


Citizenship & Holocaust Education Level 11 Module Leaflet P2

Vision Schools Scotland are offering subsidies to teachers on the UWS Level 11 Module, Citizenship and Holocaust Education which runs from late August-December 2023.  This learning module gives teachers the opportunity to enhance their professional practice in, and understanding of, a wide range of relevant themes in Citizenship and Holocaust Education.

You can apply for a grant of the module fee if you:

  • teach in a Vision School
  • teach in a school that has applied to be Vision School
  • teach in a school that is applying to be a Vision School in 2023/2024.  Schools can nominate up to 4 teachers to apply for this subsidy.
  • Schools that have previously received two subsidies can nominate one other teacher.
  • More information in the leaflet attached.

June 1, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Lessons from Auschwitz CLPL for Teachers in Scotland

The Holocaust Educational Trust will be hosting a Lessons from Auschwitz CLPL workshop for teachers across Scotland.  The workshop will be available as an online event taking place over two evenings, or as an in-person event taking place at the Scottish Jewish Heritage Centre in Glasgow.

Dates and more information can be found here and below.

Online: Tuesday 20 (16:30-18:30) and Wednesday 21 June (16:30-18:30)

In-person – Glasgow: Sunday 25 June (09:45-16:30)

Programme overview

The aim of the workshop is to explore how schools can engage in teaching about the Holocaust through the Scottish curriculum. By integrating teaching about the Holocaust holistically across our primary and secondary schools we can ensure that all pupils have the skills to examine a defining moment in human history which raises fundamental questions about human identity, behaviour and ethics. By broadening our approach across schools, we also ensure that S5/6 students taking part in the Trust’s Lessons from Auschwitz Project have the prior knowledge to engage in advanced learning, and that teachers feel confident to support these students.

The Holocaust Educational Trust works in partnership with the School of Education at the University of the West of Scotland on the Vision Schools Scotland (VSS) programme which seeks to promote embedded, holistic teaching of the Holocaust across the curriculum. Through work with the VSS project, the Trust has provided CLPL opportunities to Scottish teachers including walking tours of Glasgow exploring the history of Scottish-Jewry and the many connections between the city and the Holocaust.

This workshop will introduce teachers to organisations working across Scotland to encourage consideration of how teaching resources, travelling exhibitions, site visits and walking tours can enhance our students learning, and support the Next Steps work of students taking part in the Trust’s Lessons from Auschwitz Project.

Who Should Apply?

We welcome registrations of interest from teachers and trainees of all subject areas, currently in post or training across Scotland. We welcome participation from more than one teacher from each school. Participants are required to be available for the whole of the in-person seminar, or both online sessions.

How much does it cost?  The course is free to attend.

How to Apply  Register your interest here

We do hope you will be able to join these CLPL sessions.

March 27, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Remembering the Warsaw uprising as 80th anniversary nears – Article in the National by Emeritus Professor Henry Maitles

THIS coming April 19 marks the 80th anniversary of one of the most significant events of the Second World War. On that date in 1943 – following mass defiance of the occupying Nazi forces among the 50,000 Jews who were still living in the Warsaw Ghetto – Jewish fighters launched the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.  Read more of the article here:


March 22, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Promotional Film released for The Holocaust – a resource for primary and secondary schools, based on the testimony of  Ernest Levy

A new promotional film  for The Holocaust – a resource for primary and secondary schools, is based on the testimony of  Ernest Levy has been released, please watch it here:

The second edition of the resource will be available free on the General Teaching Council of Scotland’s website for GTCS registered teachers.

The film will also be  shown at the Association of Jewish Refugees conference in London in April.

February 21, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Vision Schools In the News!

The 2022 Vision Schools Scotland’s Award Ceremony took place on Thursday 9th February, 1.00pm – 2.30pm at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, hosted by Jackie Baillie MSP and Jackson Carlaw MSP.

Vision Schools Scotland in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust were delighted to celebrate the achievement of schools in Holocaust Education.  Awards were distributed to eleven schools that have demonstrated sustainability, commitment and good practice in teaching and learning about the Holocaust.

Our congratulations to Brannock High, Eastwood High, Johnstone High, Kirkcaldy High, Leith Academy and Marr College, McLaren High, St Ninian’s High (East Renfrewshire) on receiving their Level 1 Vision Schools Awards at our recent awards event. Congratulations also to Bishopbriggs Academy for successfully renewing its Level 2 Vision Schools Scotland accreditation and to Calderwood Lodge Primary and St Columba’s High for successfully renewing their Level 1 accreditation.

You can watch a the ceremony here:

Further articles appeared in the media, you can read them here:

and the UWS Website:

February 20, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Don’t blame campus antisemitism on a failure of Holocaust education – Article by Dr Paula Cowan

The head of a Holocaust educational programme in Scotland defends the work going on in schools.   Read the latest article in The Jewish Chronicle by Dr Paula Cowan, February 19th 2023.

February 8, 2023
by Jane Caffrey

Glasgow Walking Tour and Student Study Seminar / A two-day project in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust, 12/02/23 – 13/02/23.

Glasgow Walking Tour and Student Study Seminar / A two-day project in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust, 12/02/23 – 13/02/23.

Holocaust Educational Trust – Glasgow Walking Tour and Teacher Study Seminar (

A reminder that the Holocaust Educational Trust and Vision Schools Scotland will be hosting their Glasgow Walking Tour and Teacher Study Seminar on Sunday 12 and Monday 13 February 2023 (programmes below).

We are looking to finalise participant numbers with the Scottish Jewish Archives Centre as soon as possible.

 If you are planning to attend, please could you complete the following registration form:

The form asks for the following information and should only take a moment to complete:

  • Your name:
  • Your phone number
  • Emergency contact (name)
  • Emergency contact (phone number)
  • Do you have any medical / access needs we should be aware of?
  • We will be providing lunch on Monday. Do you have any dietary requirements?
  • Is there anything else you need to tell us?

Please complete the above information on the form available here:

We will only retain this information until the end of the programme.

If you signed up with colleagues, please can you ask every member of your group to complete this form.


Sunday 12 February (10:00-16:00)

Our walking tour will begin at 10:00 at Garnethill Synagogue (entrance via 29 Garnet Street – From Garnethill we will take a coach to sites in the city centre, before moving to sites in Govanhill after lunch. We will conclude back in the city centre at approximately 16:00.

The tour will be led by Jeremy Leigh. Jeremy Leigh is a lecturer in Jewish History at Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem and author of Holocaust Sites in Germany, Poland and Austria and Jewish Journeys.

We will have limited opportunities to purchase food on the day, we ask that you bring a packed lunch with you.

Monday 13 February (09:45-16:30)

Monday will take place in the Scottish Jewish Archives/Heritage Centre (again access is via 29 Garnet Street –

The programme for the day is as follows:

09:45-10:00      Welcome, introducing the day, introducing Vision Schools

10:00-12:00      Exploring the pedagogy of site education – Jeremy Leigh, Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem

12:00-12:30      The UK Holocaust Map – Alex Maws, The Association of Jewish Refugees

12:30-13:15      Lunch (a kosher vegetarian and vegan lunch will be provided – As a working Orthodox synagogue, you are not permitted to bring food and drink into the building).

13:15-14:45       Scottish Jewish Archives/Heritage Centre tour and learning offer – Harvey Kaplan, Scottish Jewish Archives Centre Director, Deborah Haase, Honorary Curator SJAC, Kerry Patterson, Manager Scottish Jewish Heritage Centre

14:45-16:15       Taking the long view – helping young people make better sense of Holocaust related sites – Dr Alasdair Richardson, University of Winchester

16:15-16:30      Feedback and conclude

We will be back in touch a couple of days before the visit with a few final reminders of what to bring. Please do look out for that email and let us know if you have any questions.

If you have colleagues who would like to join this visit, please ask them to email as soon as possible so that we can confirm programme numbers.

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