John Swinney at Launch 2017
The Vision Schools Scotland programme, which is a partnership between University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET), accredits schools that have demonstrated commitment and good practice in Holocaust education.
The official launch followed a successful pilot phase at a number of schools from Glasgow, South Lanarkshire, East Dunbartonshire and Dundee. Schools that have become Vision Schools come from across many Scottish local authorities. Each school has demonstrated sustainability, commitment and good practice in Holocaust education in a unique way. The event
also marked the accreditation of Level 1 Vision School status to these schools.
Comprising of two achievement levels, this programme embeds responsible citizenship, a key principle of Scotland’s curriculum, in its encouragement of effective and sustained school based Holocaust education. As many primary schools engage in Holocaust education with their senior pupils, both primary and secondary schools are eligible for Vision Schools Scotland accreditation. The 15 Vision Schools in Scotland comprise 13 secondary and two primary schools.
The aims of the Vision Schools Scotland programme programme are to promote excellence in Holocaust teaching by:
• identifying and accrediting schools that demonstrate sustainability, innovation and good practice in this area
• encouraging the sharing of good practice of school-based Holocaust education
• promoting the importance of Continued Professional Learning in Holocaust education for Scottish teachers, helping them develop confidence and proficiency in Holocaust teaching