Vision Schools Scotland

University of the West of Scotland

VSS Shared Practice event – June 16th 2021


Hats off to our VSS schools who shared some inspiring practice at our twilight CPL session, supporting aspiring applicants for the award in putting together their application and sharing their work and expertise. The VSS team members in attendance were heartened, excited and very impressed with the quality of the work and the presentations given by VSS colleagues in Barrhead High School, Chryston High and Gryffe High, not least because this event fell on a twilight session in the second last week of an exceptional and challenging year. Your stamina and commitment inspired us, Grant Maybury and David Herd (Barrhead) Chloe McMullan, Danielle Phee (Chryston) and Jennifer Park, from Gryffe. Thank you for so ably flying the VSS flag and helping others in working towards achieving their level one award.

If you missed the event and would like to find out more, you can view the recording on this link.

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