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Maths and Play is the Best Way.

Bringing play into the classroom, especially for mathematics, is a passion of mine. Too many times in primary I remember copying sums off a blackboard or using maths textbooks to answer questions. In my eyes this is the most unstimulating way to teach a child. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with copying sums off a blackboard or even using a text book but we HAVE to mix things up. To do this you need to have a Multiple Perspective. This is one of Liping Ma’s (1999, pg 122) four properties meaning teachers need to teach the topic from multiple perspectives.

Jean Piaget a theorist believed that children can benefit from their learning best when they interact with the subject in an active way. This way children get the experience to become hands on and explore. Bird (1991, pg. 3) agrees as she encourages that children “calculate, record, order, search, compare” which are all typical mathematical features, that should be produced an active way. It enables them to experiment as they have the ownership and control of their own learning.

I experienced the advantages of this first hand when I was in placement in first year. I remember the children were learning their times tables, however they were given the questions out of a textbook. It soon came to my attention that as the multiplication became harder the children would lose interest. I decided to use a lesson plan we had learned in a lecture to see if it would work. I wrote down sums on the inside of a folded piece on paper. Each piece of paper would be placed around the room. I then wrote the answers on the outside of the folded sums. This meant that when a child had answered a question they would look for the answer then open it up to see what the next question was. This created almost like a maze that the children had to follow. They were also put in pairs so that the children were motivated to work as a team to reach the finish line. After the game, I received feedback from the children that proved they had fun whilst learning. Every child had also completed the question trail, proving it was a success. This promoted social learning as well as learning their maths in an active way.

When thinking back to when I was at primary I don’t remember a lot about maths lessons that I received. Despite this, the ones I do remember, are the ones where I got to make a connection with what I was learning. It was a lesson based on weight, where we were allowed to explore the outdoors. We were asked to find three objects that we would later bring to the classroom to weigh. We would then list the weights of our objects and compare them from the heaviest to the lightest. What would usually take me a couple of lessons to understand, from this I understood first time. I feel my fundamental knowledge of this subject area was created through the stimulating play and the encouragement to interact by exploration of my own interests. Therefore, I feel we need to do the same for children so that they view maths as a fun curricular area that they will take great interest in.

Bird, M. (1991). Mathematics for Young Children. New York: Routledge.

Liping, M. (1999). Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Fibonacci Sequence

Before this module, I had heard of the Fibonacci sequence but I didn’t realise how much it’s based on the nature that surrounds us. The sequence goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. This pattern is made from adding all the numbers up step by step. For example, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55. This sequence was first introduced in the West in 2102 by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci).

This sequence, as said before can be found in nature as well as art. The spiral shown below can be similarly recognised in The Nautilus Shell.fibonacci-spiralnautilus-shell

The numbers grow by continual expansion. This tells us that the Fibonacci sequence underlines internal harmony. It’s the play of life itself surrounded by maths. As the shell matures the numbers gets larger, building a widening shell with open sequence of balance. You also see this pattern in the growth of many organic plants. Trees can get enormously large but the tree still manages to balance. This proves that any organic expansion would benefit from this sequence (Schneider, undated).

The golden ration is also connected with this. The golden ration is the division of a quantity into two equal parts which always equals 1.618. This is known as Phi Φ and the equation can be viewed as (a + b)/ b = b/a).

Everyone is always looking for perfection and in ancient Greece the golden ratio was applied to find perfection or beauty in a person. In class, we were asked to try this out ourselves. I got my partner to measure all sections of my body then apply them to the equation. To our surprise all sections of my body came back as 1.6. According to ancient Greeks this would be seen as “beautiful”. Lucky me!

I really enjoyed learning about Fibonacci’s sequence and it really has opened my eyes to the world around me. I was watching the weather on television the other day and even on there I was coming across this sequence. It is truly fascinating that by learning the basics behind mathematics we can truly begin to connect with it in the real world.



Schneider, M, (undated). Fibonacci Sequence Documentary – Golden Section Explained – Secret Teachings. Proper Gander. Available at: [Available from: 3rd December]


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Many..

Looking back, it seems that numerals are around 5500 years old and some anthropologists believe that because of trading, numerals were created. Numerals are important in mathematics as they are the symbol that represent the number. For example: there are four people living in my household. “Four” is the spoken representation of the number whereas “4” is the symbol used for written representation (Barmby, pg 12, 2009). As we know, English have a base ten number system which makes numerals a lot easier to remember. The following for the first ten written representation of numerals are:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

These first ten numbers are called units. We then begin to see a pattern with the next ten numbers that appear in the system:

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

The second numbers are repeated where as a “1” is put in front to represent the tens. This would be “ten and one = 11, ten and two =12, ten and three =13” and so on. Likewise, twenty is based on “two tens”. For example: two tens and one = 21, two tens and 2 = 22, two tens and three = 23. Although this may seem complicated at first, it is much easier than a number system that has different symbols and spoken words for each number up to 100. This would be impossible which is evidence that proves a patterned number system, like our own, is the sensible way to go.

During a lecture with Richard we were asked to try write our own number system. Without even realising it we had borrowed our idea from our own base ten number system. It became clear how difficult it is to move away from base ten and try another form.15050045_1204511272948173_1328498317_n

However, do we need that many numbers? An English philosopher in the 1690s called John Locke believed that although numbers “were helpful in learning to count and calculate” it is not completely “necessary in the possession of numerical ideas” (Butterworth, 2004).

A great example of the would be the Munduruku tribe. The tribe were studied by a French team that found this tribe only used numbers up to 5 (BUTTERWORTH, 2004). Any number after 5 would be used by the word “many”. This would be impossible for us to use in today’s world. Imagine In a maths exam and any answer over 5 would have to be written as “many”. Now that’s a maths exam I would like to sit. However, the French found that Munduruku rarely needed to use counting in their everyday lives which is why they don’t use a vast number system like our own. They did not need symbols of written or spoken representation. All they needed was the small knowledge of mathematical concept of numbers 1-5 in their head. Proving that Locke did speak some truth when saying we do not need numerals in written or spoken representation.

This links with my profound understanding of fundamental mathematics as it allows me to see how mathematics works in a world of different societies. I now see the importance of learning the backgrounds of different societies and their connection with mathematics. In our society, it shows the importance of numerals in written and spoken terms, as we depend on them a great deal. Without them it would be hard to do simple, day to day tasks. On the other hand, if I lived in the amazon with the Munduruku tribe I would have learnt to live without this fascination of mathematics. Making it possible to live without. Despite this I am quite happy using the number system the English have developed. It saves the confusion when somebody asks how many students are studying primary education. Many, of course


B, Butterworth. (2004). Viewed at: [Accessed on: 11th November 2016]

P, Barmby. (2009). Primary Mathematics. Teaching for Understanding. The McGraw Hill Company: London

Maths in the Surrounding World.

On placement I remember we took a lesson on money and the different ways that we can pay for items in a shop such as: notes, coins, cheque, bank card, credit card ect. So that the children could see the connection with the wider world, we had a class discussion on the use of each. Many children were able to join in saying they had maybe spotted their parents using different forms of payment. Children love to be able to see the relation of their work with the wider world so I could really notice a difference in the quality of work that was being done. 45 minutes of the lesson was also based on a class discussion which meant the last 15 minutes was used to complete their worksheets. By having a group discussion it got all the class engaged and showed them that mathematics did not always have to be calculations out of a text book, which is something they were used to.

However, prior to this lesson, one of the main questions that was raised, when taking a maths lesson had to be “what do we need this for”. It is hard to answer this without saying “everything”. Not only are we dealing with simple usage of mathematics throughout our boneday but the fact that it is a subject which is needed to achieve acceptance into many jobs or universities. Not to mention going back 22000 years ago when the Ishango Bone was discovered (Wolfram Research, 1999-2016). This bone was found in the Congo, with sets of markings carved into it. The sequence of numbers being “3, 6, 4, 8, 10”. This is now one of the oldest objects dating mathematics back to thousands of years, giving us a great starting point to where it may have all begun. A great topic to touch upon with children.

Noyles (2007, pg 8) states that teachers “rarely engage with their subject outside their work or know little about how it is used in the world around them”. This therefore proves that if adults have not discovered the mathematical world that surrounds then, then the link is not being made for the children. As a result of reading this quote it signified the importance of making the connection, which I therefore included into my lesson. Children need to understand why mathematics is important and useful for everyday life. It is impossible to do this if we do not back this view up in the classroom.

In one lecture our tutor directed task was to take pictures of any places that we spot mathematics. It became clear to me just how many times we use some sort of fundamental mathematics without even realising it. Here are some of my examples:








This gave me the idea that we could ask the children to do this themselves. The class could then create a wall full of pictures where they have found something with some mathematical thinking behind it. This then creates an importance for the subject using real-world context. It also shows them the ideas and relation behind our teaching. This creates a more positive attitude and therefore children can see the subject as something fun rather than something that has to be endured. The Scottish Governments, CfE (2009, pg 39) defines numeracy as a skill for “life, learning and work.” It also states that by being numerate we can function responsibly in everyday life. I have never really thought about this before this module however now it has become clear that without a fundamental understanding of mathematics we would struggle to do even basic tasks.



Noyles, A. (2007). Rethinking School Mathematics. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.

Scottish Government. (2009) Curriculum for excellence, experiences and outcomes for all curriculum areas. Available at:

Wolfram Research, (1999-2016). Ishango Bone. Available at:

My inspiration to become a teacher…

My primary one teacher had a massive impact on me. She was the type of teacher who made every child in the class believe in themselves. (SORRY IF IT’S CHEESY) She would tell the class that if they worked hard in life they could be whatever they wanted to be. It didn’t matter if you wanted to be a baker, a nurse or even a bin man. If you wanted to be any of those as long as you worked hard and were determined enough you could make it. Every child in my class left primary one already having a favourite teacher including me. I feel that I am the determined and motivated person I am today because of her. Sadly, when I reached primary six I found out that my primary one teacher had passed away from cancer. From that moment I realised I wanted to be a primary teacher. I wanted to continue the amazing job she had made, giving young children like me the best start in their early years of education.

As I went through education from primary school to high school there were so many different teachers I met. From these teachers I took away all my favourite aspects from each and decided to use them to form myself into the best teacher I could be. One teacher was always up for a joke and a laugh with his pupils. Every time I entered his class I was excited as he made it more fun than I initially thought school was. I also had a teacher who was very supportive. If anyone had a problem they felt comfortable to go to her and explain what was wrong. This I felt was important as your students need to feel at ease when speaking to you. This allowed me to get a good view of the type of teacher that I wished to be, plus adding my own personality into the job.


Welcome to your WordPress eportfolio

Welcome to your eportfolio. This is where you will document and share your professional thoughts and experiences over the course of your study at the University of Dundee and beyond that when you begin teaching. You have the control over what you want to make public and what you would rather keep on a password protected page.

The eportfolio in the form of this WordPress blog allows you to pull in material from other digital sources:

You can pull in a YouTube video:

You can pull in a Soundcloud audio track:

You can pull in a Flickr page

Teacher, Lorraine Lapthorne conducts her class in the Grade Two room at the Drouin State School, Drouin, Victoria

You can just about pull in anything that you think will add substance and depth to your writing.