Fibonacci Sequence

Before this module, I had heard of the Fibonacci sequence but I didn’t realise how much it’s based on the nature that surrounds us. The sequence goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. This pattern is made from adding all the numbers up step by step. For example, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55. This sequence was first introduced in the West in 2102 by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci).

This sequence, as said before can be found in nature as well as art. The spiral shown below can be similarly recognised in The Nautilus Shell.fibonacci-spiralnautilus-shell

The numbers grow by continual expansion. This tells us that the Fibonacci sequence underlines internal harmony. It’s the play of life itself surrounded by maths. As the shell matures the numbers gets larger, building a widening shell with open sequence of balance. You also see this pattern in the growth of many organic plants. Trees can get enormously large but the tree still manages to balance. This proves that any organic expansion would benefit from this sequence (Schneider, undated).

The golden ration is also connected with this. The golden ration is the division of a quantity into two equal parts which always equals 1.618. This is known as Phi Φ and the equation can be viewed as (a + b)/ b = b/a).

Everyone is always looking for perfection and in ancient Greece the golden ratio was applied to find perfection or beauty in a person. In class, we were asked to try this out ourselves. I got my partner to measure all sections of my body then apply them to the equation. To our surprise all sections of my body came back as 1.6. According to ancient Greeks this would be seen as “beautiful”. Lucky me!

I really enjoyed learning about Fibonacci’s sequence and it really has opened my eyes to the world around me. I was watching the weather on television the other day and even on there I was coming across this sequence. It is truly fascinating that by learning the basics behind mathematics we can truly begin to connect with it in the real world.



Schneider, M, (undated). Fibonacci Sequence Documentary – Golden Section Explained – Secret Teachings. Proper Gander. Available at: [Available from: 3rd December]


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