Reflection on feedback.

In my opinion feedback is very beneficial and is key in personal improvement. If you never receive feedback in any shape or form you may never realise problems or areas you could improve on. I personally believe we should actively seek feedback on all academic materials we produce so that we can further improve it and receive the best outcome possible. I also see the benefit of giving others feedback. Not only will you help the other person improve, but you will become more critical in your own work. Overtime you will be able to look at work you produce in a constructive and critical way that you may not once have. This will allow you to self-improve.

Receiving feedback on my previous posts have all been positive experiences. I felt appreciated as a person because someone took the time to read my work and comment on it. I not only received comments that my work was good, but also areas to improve on. These suggestions were all done in a positive manner and I did not feel put down by them. I believe I have actually become more confident in my writing through the receiving of areas to improve. I know that it is not just myself who is receiving feedback, and we all have areas to improve on. In a way, I feel less worried about making mistakes because if I do, I know it can be addressed and fixed in the future.

At the task of giving feedback I was somewhat perplexed. I know that giving feedback allows others to improve, but I was worried about how they may take the feedback. I know that some people can be self-conscious with their writing and a bad comment could lower their moral significantly. To combat this, I not only was very careful in my wording, but I thought about how I would feel if I received that feedback. If I would be happy with my feedback, I would post it. If not, I would find an alternative way to word it so it came across in a friendly and non-accusatory  manner.

From giving and receiving feedback I have learned that it is something I wish to continue receiving throughout the entirety of this course and my professional career. I hope that my peers will continue to comment on posts I make, and I will offer feedback in return. In my future placements I will actively seek feedback from my placement teacher so that I can improve in any areas they see fit. I hope this will help me become a great student and future teacher.

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