Why I want to be a Teacher.

I haven’t always wanted to be a teacher. My first dream was to be a Vet. However, this quickly changed as I got my first pet rabbit and discovered I’m deathly allergic to fur. How heart-breaking. I soon moved on to the idea of becoming a Doctor, then an Author, then a Marine Biologist, then an embalmer-yes, I know that’s strange. Finally, when I started High School I began to think about becoming a Nursery Teacher.

For years I was told not to go down this route as there are very little jobs, but the thought of settling for a second best job was not one that I would consider. I soon set up a week’s placement at a nursery and although I had fun and enjoyed it greatly, something didn’t feel right. It took me a while to realise what this was. I knew I loved interacting with the children and working in a nursery felt very rewarding, but I didn’t feel like I was meeting my full potential. Inside, I knew something was missing. After much thought I finally realised what this was. Nursery is a very play-based environment and I wondered to myself if I was more suited to the structured learning that takes place in a Primary School.

In my 6th year of High School I decided to set up a placement at my old Primary School. I visited once a week for an hour and a half. This soon became the highlight of my week. As soon as I stepped into the classroom and saw the artwork on the walls, the Alphabet posters and Maths diagrams scattered all around I knew I had finally found my place. This felt right. If I wasn’t 110 per cent sure by then that I wanted to become a teacher, I knew I was the minute the children stepped in and exploded into excited chatter with me. Unlike the Nursery aged children, the Primary aged children were much more inquisitive to my presence. I enjoyed interacting with them and understanding the minds of children this age.

All in all I would say I was influenced to continue down this path by the fact that I can teach children all subjects and broaden their knowledge of the world. A Teacher is a gateway to a child’s future. Without good Teachers how can we allow children to grow into the person they want to be? I am hugely influenced by the fact that I’m shaping a child’s future and giving them the tools they need to achieve their future dreams, just like I am achieving for myself now. I want to be a Teacher who my Pupils look up to, can approach when they need help, and who supplies everything a child needs to have the brightest future possible. The future they are dreaming of. Whether that be becoming a Teacher themselves…or maybe even an embalmer, I will provide that for them and become a successful Teacher.


2 thoughts on “Why I want to be a Teacher.

  1. I feel I want to become a teacher for similar reasons to you in your last paragraph. I also strongly believe that a teacher has a huge impact on a child’s development and want to become a teacher to make sure they get the right start in life. I found your article on why you wanted to become a teacher very interesting.

  2. This was a really interesting post as, similar to you, I have worked in nurseries and found myself learning towards the more focused learning that goes on within primary. I totally agree with your views on the role of the teacher. We will be responsible for setting children up with the skills and knowledge that they need for life! I can’t think of a more rewarding career.


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