Category Archives: 1.2 Integrity

Reflection on the process of feedback

The thought of giving feedback at first really intimidated me. I believe I am the type of person who doesn’t like to say anything that could possibly offend someone and therefore, was very nervous of what to say at first. Also I feel that as soon as I heard the word feedback my head went straight to the idea of ‘judgement’ which frankly make me a little anxious. However, now looking back on this experience I see it in a much more positive and beneficial way. I am also now aware of the fact that it is not judgement at all, but picking out the areas in which you could improve in order to grow and progress further.

I feel that the feedback I have received has been very beneficial to me as well as increasing my confidence in my work, it has also reassured me that I am on the right track, which was something I was a little worried about. I feel that the constructive criticism I received in some of the comments have been very helpful as they have given me ideas of where I can take my blog next, what I can include and have also made me question many things I had never even thought about previously.

I believe that by being given the opportunity of commenting on others’ work and providing constructive feedback where appropriate has been a very positive experience for me. Even though I still find it difficult to pick out areas of improvement in someone’s work and question points that are made, I feel like if I continue to provide feedback I will continue to get more confident with it.

Overall, I feel that this experience was very beneficial and feel that it has given me a good insight into the intentions behind feedback, such as the benefits you can get out of it. I also feel that the lessons I have learned throughout the processes of giving and receiving feedback are ones that I can take with me throughout my years at university and also when I progress into the role of a teacher.