How did my gender affect me as a child?

To answer this question simply, I don’t believe that my gender did have too much of an affect on me as a child.  I can never remember being treated any differently because I was a girl and to be honest I cannot remember ever thinking to myself “I cant do this because I’m a girl!” I believe this was mainly down to the facts that both my family, friends and school were quite accepting and were not too bothered about people sticking to their gender stereotypes.  I was always the type to be having races and playing football in the playground and I cannot ever remember receiving any prejudice or judgement for this.  However, I do feel that my school were more accepting of behaviour from girls compared to boys and as awful as it sounds girls in my classes always got away with more than the boys did.  Therefore, personally my gender did not affect me in such a negative way as a child but saying that, I did witness many others be treated differently purely as a result of their gender.

4 thoughts on “How did my gender affect me as a child?

  1. Gender is a really difficult issue in my opinion to write about and you have put your experiences across really well! I was in the exact same position at school where I used to play football and never really cared much about whether it was boys or girls I was playing with. A really good read!


    This is a really interesting video that Derek shared with me about gender and how girls see themselves. I thought you would like this as you mentioned that you never said “I can’t do this because I’m a girl” and that is interesting as many other girls would say the complete opposite to you. They would explain that they can’t do something because of their gender which I find completely unbelievable and wrong. I think like you and I feel that I can do the same things that men can do and sometimes I can achieve better.
    I hope you enjoy the video. This post was an interesting read 🙂


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