Myths of Mathematics

Using tools is cheating

Fingers are there to help us! We have 10 fingers and a base system of 10. There must be some type of connection?

Still to this day, I use my fingers to keep track of which number I am on. As a dancer and choreographer, I am constantly counting to 8. Often when I am counting beats as to how many 8’s until I start dancing, I will keep a count of which set of 8 I am on by using my finger. It keeps everyone on the same track.

At work, I also use my fingers to keep track. When helping cash up the tills at night, we have to recount the money to ensure it is correct. I use my finger to keep track of how many one hundreds we have in £20.

During both primary school and secondary school, I never heard anyone say that you weren’t to use your fingers. My teachers didn’t emphasise the use of it but they didn’t stop anyone using their fingers if needed.

As a teacher, I will ensure that children are confident in using their fingers if it helps them develop their understanding of mathematics. I will show children effective ways to use their fingers to help count or keep track and then it will be their choice to continue using them or not.

The 9 times table finger rule

There is controversy about teaching this. Personally, I think it is very effective. Although, originally it doesn’t teach children the aspect of the 9 times table, it builds on their confidence especially children who struggle with mathematics. By building on their confidence and with time they will gain an understanding of the 9 times table.






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