Thinking and Reflecting

Last week, we were given some inspiration to revitalise our blogs, and it was definitely needed. It becomes difficult at times to prioritise time to dedicate writing our blog when there are so many other things going on, assignments, reading for placement, extra dance competition rehearsals, work and a social life. But I’ve come to realise there should be no excuses. No matter how busy my life is, I should be able to dedicate 30 minutes every week to sit and reflect on something – this is just as important as everything else in my life. Reflecting should not be a task.

Every blog post that was featured in our workshop last week was relatable and thought-provoking, and, most importantly, had a good message to reflect on. These posts are everything a blog should be, and my peers have inspired me to make more of an effort.

One of my closest friends here at uni wrote a blog post about ‘Fear of Feedback’. She nailed the concept on the head and really took the words out of my mouth. All my life I have been nervous to get something wrong, but not incase I disappoint myself, more so incase I disappoint someone else. I don’t like the idea of letting anybody down.

But where would we be in life without feedback? In order to develop in life and become successful, it is important to receive it – whether it is constructive or just sheer positive.

Our ePortfolio is the perfect place to share our thoughts, feelings and findings and receive comments from our peers, as well as reading or commenting on their posts. Every single of one of us on this MA Education programme have the same focus and aim – to be the best teacher we can be. I like receiving feedback, and I know it is difficult to challenge somebody you don’t know. I like to be told what people think of what I’m doing, writing or even, less education related I’ll admit, what I’m wearing! I think we constantly need to be finding ways to improve.

The ePortfolio has also been a place for me to just sort of de-stress. I, unfortunately, get stressed and anxious over anything. Once I write it down, I feel better! So I have decided to embrace the ePortfolio and make an effort to post at least once a week. I will comment on my peer learning group’s posts, and any of my other peers posts on Edushare that I enjoy! That’s my New Years Resolution, and it’s here in writing, so I better stick to it!

One thought on “Thinking and Reflecting

  1. What you say is something that I think so many of us feel…that fear of getting it wrong. Says quite a lot about the learning culture that we are socialised in don’t you think? Some real food for thought here for when you become a teacher too – what learning culture will you ensure is the prevalent one in your classroom?

    Alan McLean writes about this in The Motivated School. Worth a read.


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