Gender Bias in Schools

Throughout my years in school, I was never really affected by the gender bias that goes on in a classroom. In Primary school, we were separated into gender groups when we were getting changed for P.E or sports but apart from that we mixed in the classroom.
I only started to notice when I went to secondary school and saw how the teachers treated girls and boys. There is the common stereotype that boys are disruptive and girls are hard working. And I could see this in play in a classroom. But I also knew lots of girls who were the disruptive ones and boys who kept their heads down. As a result of the stereotype and depending on the teacher, boys would usually get into more trouble for causing problems in the classroom.
And when it came to sports, girls and boys were separated into different teams. Even the sports that we were allowed to take part in were limited to your gender. Rugby, football, basketball, all these sports were only allowed for boys and sports like netball or lacrosse were again reserved for only girls. It caused me to grow up thinking that certain sports were only allowed to be played by one gender.
Personally, I was not negatively affected by gender bias. But in more recent years I have seen a definite change in the way girls and boys are treated and how is has caused problems in a classroom.


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