Category Archives: 3. Prof. Skills & Abilities

I’m Back…

If you haven’t already been able to tell, I have full out neglected this blog for the best part of a year.  After having some personal issues at the end of 1st year I struggled through the last months of university – this was the last thing on my mind. I never got back into the habit of updating it.

So here I am, at the beginning of my 3rd year and the start of my honours journey. I’m ready to tackle what this year throws at me (please be gentle!) and try not to neglect this blog so much!

Watch this space for more to come!


Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy TDT

Adele Herron, Chloe Connor, Erin Mcglynn and Megan Shearer

Although the term ‘scientific literacy’ may seem quite simple, it has become evident through research and discussion that it much more than just having knowledge of a lot of science. Scientific literacy is the capacity to use scientific knowledge to identify questions and to draw evidence based conclusions.

John Durant believes there are three separate definitions for scientific literacy, however they each have the similar opinion that all non-scientists surrounded by some form of science or technology, which we all are today, should know something about science. Each of the three definitions emphasise important aspects of science – the first includes your scientific knowledge; the second highlights the importance of the scientific method or procedures, whether it be mental or physical  procedures; and his final definition focusses on scientific culture. According to Miller (1996), we as people of a majority modern society live in this technological and scientific culture that was also mentioned by Durant and are therefore science significantly impacts us daily.

Hurd (1998) however bases his definition on seven different dimensions.

(1) Understand the nature of scientific knowledge;

(2) Apply appropriate science concepts, principles, laws, and theories in interacting

with his universe;

(3) Use the process of science in solving problems, making decisions, and furthering

his own understanding of the universe;

(4) Interact with values that underlie science;

(5) Understand and appreciate the joint enterprises of science and technology and the

interrelationship of these with each and with other aspects of society;

(6) Extend science education throughout his or her life;

(7) Develop numerous manipulative skills associated with science and technology.”

As demonstrated, there is no clear definition of the term scientific literacy, and has been and will continue to be interpreted in different ways.

However, what happens when there is a lack of scientific literacy? Take, for example, the controversy surrounding the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination in 1998. Dr Andrew Wakefield – a renowned gastroenterologist – released findings from his research that suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism and problems with the bowels (Smith, 2010). Despite the fact his research involved only 12 children, his findings made front page news. This resulted in a decline in the uptake of the vaccine – dropping to under 80% nationally and in some areas dropping to 60% uptake (BBC, no date; Smith, 2010). Due to this, cases of Measles increased – Britain having its first death from measles in 14 years – and Mumps grew to epidemic level in 2005 (Smith, 2010). In June 2006, it was announced that Wakefield was under investigation from the General Medical Council for alleged misconduct (Smith, 2010). The Sunday Times, in 2009, revealed that Wakefield had been paid by lawyers to create findings which would go against the 3 in 1 vaccination and had changed some of the results of his tests (Deer, 2009; Deer, 2011). Wakefield had used his knowledge and scientific literacy in an unethical way and had caused many children in our population to become seriously unwell, because of his incorrect findings. In 2015, it had been reported that there was no link between the vaccination and autism in children, after a study on 95,000 children which discredited Wakefield’s research (Boseley, 2015).


How is teaching fair testing in school science linked to scientific literacy?

When carrying out an experiment in a science lesson it is important that it is a fair test.  This has to be done to ensure that the experiment is reliable and therefore, has the ability to have conclusions drawn from it.  In order to conduct a fair test it is important that only one factor (variable) is changed and that all other factors and conditions are kept the same and as identical as possible.  An example of a test could be measuring the speed of toy cars when moving down a hill.  In order for this to be considered a fair test all variables including the gradient of the hill, the time they cars are let go and the way in which they are let go should all remain the same, the only factor which should change should be the car itself.  This ensures that your test is fair and reliable.

The topic of fair testing when teaching science is very important as, children must ensure that each experiment they carry out is fair.  Fair testing is a basic area of knowledge within science that children must know about in order to continue and progress onto more challenging things within the curricular subject.

Scientific literacy is all about using scientific knowledge to draw evidence-based conclusions.  Therefore, fair testing is very much a part of this process as it is a necessary procedure used when gathering information and evidence from experiments.  Also the ability to carry out a fair test is very much a scientific skill in its self which is fundamental, in order to progress in the subject of science.




BBC. (No date) Does the MMR Jab Cause Autism? Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2016)

Boseley, S. (2015) No link between MMR and autism, major study concludes. Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2016)

Deer, B. (2009) MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism. Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2016)

Deer, B. (2011) The medical establishment shielded Andrew Wakefield from fraud claims. Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2016)


Durant, J (1994). What is scientificc literacy?. European Review, 2, pp 83-89 doi:10.1017/S1062798700000922

IJESE, 2009 Scientific Literacy and Thailand Science Education (Accessed 13th February 2016)


Smith, R. (2010) Andrew Wakefield – the man behind the MMR controversy. Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2016)

I’m sorry, I’ll try harder…



I’ve not been a good student!

Okay, that is maybe an over exaggeration but in terms of this blog, my engagement has declined severely as semester one was drawing to a close. Having looked back through some of my posts I have realised that most of my posts are influenced by lecturers who are telling me to “write this on you e-Portfolio.” If I’m honest, I only engage with it when I’m told to – I never decide to write a post off my own back. Having looked through some of my fellow students blogs, I am seriously embarrassed to admit that.

The standards of these blogs are incredible and to be honest I am jealous that I have not produced such work! The fact that the majority of the posts that I read are not directly linked to university work – they do not seem to be directed by lecturers but something that they have decided to do themselves, possibly provoked my university work. They make it look so easy and they are so enthusiastic about the topic, their own experiences linked to the topic and their reflection. It has made me question, why can’t I do that?

I have also noticed that most of my blog posts are of the same style – full of text with very few pictures or videos. As a trainee teacher, I understand that children won’t pay attention when they are faced with screeds of text; by adding in pictures it breaks up the text and should hopefully keep them engaged. Adele, practice what you preach!

Reading through others blog posts as well, I’ve come to realise I’m not the only one in certain situations. Reading about how one has struggled with maths and is quite apprehensive about teaching it, I can completely relate. It has made me realise that I’m not the only one who struggles with maths and is anxious about teaching it. I have also read about classroom organisation and it has made me want to look into this area further so that when I am a teacher I can organise my classroom in a way that the children will fully benefit from. I have also loved reading about areas people have a passion for, like dance. I too have a love and a passion for dance and to see how enthusiastic someone is to teach it in and to have their enthusiasm rub off on others is great to see.

So, what have I taken from this? What am I going to do to improve my blog? Firstly, I’m going to include more media in my posts. I feel that it makes the posts more inviting, engaging and intriguing. I am also setting myself the challenge of uploading one blog post every week that has not been directed from lecturers – this will be in addition to any posts directed from lecturers. I feel that one post a week to begin with will encourage me to engage and this will hopefully increase as time goes on. I hope to post on a variety of subjects in relation to teaching and not just academic things.

Wish me luck!


Here are the links to some of the blogs I mentioned in this post:

Lauren Duncan – 5,6,7… DANCE!

Michelle Mackie – Problematic Problems

Claire-Emma Beattie – The ability grouping debate continues

Staying Safe Online

We recently had an input about the ICT time children get in primary school and how we can develop their ICT skills. The importance of internet safety was highlighted in this input and how we should always make sure the children have had an internet safety input before they are “let loose”. With that in mind, I created this short presentation:

I feel that the bright colours would attract and hold the children’s interest (hopefully!!) throughout the video – hoping that they are taking in the tips given.

I used Animoto to create this presentation. I think that Animoto and other presentation making applications are good for developing ICT skills. Children will create a presentation on a topic (Whether this be given to them or an individual choice) which means that they will have to research the topic – thus developing their internet search skills. The will be able to develop the skills of using a presentation making software and will know how to insert pictures, music and text into the presentation. They will also be able to develop their visual and oral communication skills and listening skills.

That was excellent, but this could be worked on…

Peer review is something I never felt very confident in. I often felt like I wasn’t of the authority to suggest ways of improvement on other’s work, or I didn’t want to offend someone. Giving positive feedback was easy, especially when it is in comparison to another piece of work and you can see improvements. When I had been given feedback from peers (having only ever really experienced it from school) I often felt their feedback wasn’t going to help me improve or keep up my strengths. Before I commented on some of my peer’s posts, I was apprehensive. I still kept the reservations of peer review I had from my time at school. So I gave it a go and here are my thoughts.

Firstly, receiving feedback. In all honesty, the feedback given to may made me feel uplifted and filled me with some confidence. It was nice to see that I had inspired others to think of the topic in a different way or add to their understanding. I feel receiving feedback on this occasion was a positive experience. It helped me to realise that I had an understanding what I had read and, it was illustrated in my writing – I hadn’t just written a load of nonsense as I originally thought. Even the suggestions for improvements didn’t make me less confident. After rereading what I had written with consideration of suggestions, I was able to identify what I could change for future posts. The suggestions were relevant to the piece of work and I wasn’t left wondering what they meant – they had made their suggestions clear. The feedback given didn’t put me down and I’m glad my peers suggested improvements as this will help me in all my future writing. The strengths they provided for me were well detailed and this has allowed me to realise that some skills I didn’t think were that well developed, actually are.

Furthermore, giving feedback. As I stated before I have never felt of the authority to suggest improvements for someone who is at the same level or levels above me. This was my worry when I started giving feedback. I carefully read the posts and found areas of strength within them. I explained their strengths and gave some examples of parts that stood out to me. When it came to suggesting improvements it became harder. Everyone’s post that I reviewed had covered the criteria set out. So I had to reread a few times before I found some things that would help improve the post. I tried so carefully not to sound patronising with my suggestions as I really didn’t want to offend anyone – looking back now I tried a little too hard with the wording and I probably didn’t sound patronising in the first place. The more people’s posts I read and the more comments I left, I felt more confident in giving feedback. I think giving feedback turned into a positive experience and it allowed me to analyse work rather than just read it. I also liked how I was able to see what other people’s understanding of the topic was and could compare to my own understanding.

For the future, giving and receiving feedback has helped me to identify that no piece of work is perfect and improvements can be continued to be made. I also feel for me that it has highlighted the importance of having someone else look over your work as a fresh pair of eyes may be able to find errors or help to make things sound better. I also feel that it has shown me that receiving feedback will help fix things in order to improve your next piece of work. I think that feedback from peers is as beneficial as feedback from teachers, tutors, lecturers, etc. because they are both equally helpful – as long as they are truthful and relevant.

I think when I am teaching I will use peer review. I think it provides an opportunity to read other’s work and can show people a different way of doing things. I think it is important to undertake peer review in a classroom as some pupils may be able to relate more to the feedback given by their peers. As a teacher, this has helped shown me how important it is to give detailed feedback, rather just writing “Good work!” and drawing a smiley face. Providing detailed feedback will help with the pupil’s development and will be able to help them improve their work and learning. One thing that I will remember is to keep the feedback relevant to the task I have given the pupils. I want them to feel confident and uplifted; I don’t want them to feel like they are being put down.

Overall, my opinion of peer review has changed and I no longer feel apprehensive about giving it. I think that as a teacher feedback is extremely important so that the pupils know where to improve for next time and to know that feedback doesn’t have to be a negative thing.


The Enquiring Practitioner

As stated by the GTCS: “Practitioner enquiry, as defined by Menter et al (2011), is a ‘finding out’ or an investigation with a rationale and approach that can be explained or defended. The findings can then be shared so it becomes more than reflection or personal enquiry.”

I believe that an enquiring practitioner is someone who is willing to reflect upon their work and the work of others in order to develop their skills and to benefit others. An enquiring practitioner is about being open minded to try new things; being adaptive – understanding that some things might not work and being able to change that from your own knowledge or from the knowledge of someone else and, having the ability to be critical of themselves and their own work as well as the work of others (GTCS). It should also be about life-long learning and the willingness to develop your teaching skills as time goes on. I also believe that an enquiring practitioner is someone who has a desire to increase their knowledge and skills, for example, a lesson may not have gone as planned in the sense that a large proportion of the class has not been able to grasp the topic. An enquiring practitioner may discuss this lesson with other teachers and talk about possible reasons why it didn’t go as planned; the other teachers may be able to help said teacher through their own experiences of a lesson of the same topic and what worked well for them. It’s about not being afraid to admit to things that have not worked so well and welcoming new ways of thinking.


Some benefits of being an enquiring practitioner have been noted on the GTCS website.  These include:

  • Enable those within the teaching profession to work together to enhance the education system.
  • Enable teachers to bring about important alterations in teaching and education and thus greatly increasing the quality of pupils’ learning experiences in a learning environment.
  • Influence the progression of schools, colleges, universities and agencies as educational establishments for the educators who work there and for the pupils.

Some other benefits may include:

  • Increases learning as more learning happens when working in a team.
  • Further development of team working skills.
  • Allows questioning which gives access to deeper understanding.
  • Improves pupil attainment and achievement.

There can also be negatives to this (some of these are noted on GTCS website):

  • Dishonesty – some people may lie about what has worked.
  • No open mindedness in the sense that some teachers might not want to change their practices.
  • Seeing it as a chore and not something that is worthwhile.
  • Not accessing the questioning of its importance to give a deeper understanding.
  • Some people might be offended by suggestions of how they can do something differently or improve something and feel as if others are putting them down.
  • Not being critical of self.

For me as a student teacher, I believe that this means I should be open to trying new things and open to advice, even right now in my first year of university. I also believe that this means having the ability to recognise that not everything you try will work and to persevere as you will get there in the end. I think it is about working on the advice given to me which will improve my knowledge and skills. It also means recognising that learning never stops and we can all work together in order to improve ourselves. I think this will be especially important when on placement as the teacher is already qualified and they can help and advise you from their own experiences at university and during their teaching career.





Here is the link to the practitioner enquiry information on the GTCS website:

GTCS – Practitioner Enquiry



Reflection is something we all do, often without even realising. How many times have we said “if I could go back now, I’d do that differently,” or “if only I had done that instead of what I did.”

I think reflection is about looking back on things that have happened in the past and thinking about how that has changed your outlook or how you would tackle a situation if it was to arise again. I don’t think reflection always has to be about looking back on negative things – it can be recalling a happy moment and thinking about how you felt at that time and how that may influence you in the future. For example, if you had been on holiday and had a really lovely, relaxing time, you might consider booking to go to the same place next time.

I think reflection is important in learning. It is important to always reflect on the lessons/lectures to ensure that you understand what had been said and to help you when you do further work on that subject (e.g. further reading). Reflection is also important in learning when it is your own work. Reflecting on the feedback your tutor has given you from an assignment can help make improvements for the next assignment. Personal reflection on work is also beneficial, as you can identify points where you wish to improve for next time and by personally reflecting periodically, it will help you to achieve the changes you wish to make to your work.

The Virtues of Teaching


Being able to understand how someone else is feeling as if they were your own feelings. For the teacher, I think this means understanding the difficult situations pupils might find themselves in and be able to support, comfort and help them through it. I think it is important for a teacher to be empathetic so they can understand the broad range of children they will find in their classroom and understand that they will not all learn the same or behave the same, for numerous different reasons.


Being unbiased and reasonable. I think this is very important for a teacher as they should treat everyone the same. They should not be influenced to treat someone differently because of how they act in the classroom. As a teacher it is important not to have a “favourite” and to distribute tasks fairly so that people do not feel left out. I also think that by being fair, there will be a better learning environment where everyone wishes to participate because there is no fear of being left out.


Showing consideration, being friendly and having a warm hearted nature. Being a teacher means that you are seen as a role model for your pupils, therefore, if you are not kind to your pupils or colleagues then how can you expect your pupils to be kind to one another? Once again, I believe that showing kindness and being kind will help pupils to participate and make them eager to be in the classroom and to learn. This may be due to the way in which the teacher treats their pupils, fellow colleagues and creates a friendly and warm hearted learning environment.


The ability to deal with situations, delays or difficulties in a calm manner. This is important for many aspects of teaching. When working with pupils who are finding it hard to grasp a concept a teacher should be patient in order to help them understand the concept – becoming frustrated will make them less likely to understand it and may disengage them. Patience is also key with the rate at which children work at, as some children may take a little longer than other pupils, so being patient means that you will recognise those that might need longer to do work and by not pressuring them to finish just because a majority of the class is finished, will encourage them to complete their work and may help them to finish it quicker. When it comes to behaviour, patience is important as by getting angry and shouting will not give the children a chance to explain themselves and they may not listen to what you are trying to say because you are angry – if you are patient and deal with the issues in a calm way it might help to rectify the behaviour issues in the class that day. I understand that teachers may become frustrated and might become annoyed sometimes but they are human beings, just like everyone else.


Showing respect means to treat everyone fairly, showing compassion and not making anyone feel that they are of less importance to you. Like kindness, I think that you should be respectful to your pupils and colleagues in order for the pupils to be respectful to their pupils and the staff members. By treating everyone equally – the cleaners and cooks be treated the same way in which you would treat the Convenor of Education – creates a good working environment and it shows others that everyone needs to work together in order for things to run smoothly. It all comes down to treating others in the way you wish to be treated.


Virtue of Teaching Videos

Q1. What makes a teacher who makes a difference?

From watching the video I have been able to draw some conclusions about the aspects of teachers that make a difference. A teacher who makes a difference should be avidly involved in team work and should be willing to share information with others – the video mentioned a new curriculum one teacher discovered and she decided it was a great idea to share this with others, because of this they were able to upgrade their teaching degrees through workshops to include this new curriculum. To make a difference, a teacher should also be understanding of others; caring; approachable to their pupils, parents and fellow colleagues and they should be seen to “go the extra mile” in everything they do. In addition to this, a teacher who makes a difference should be willing to learn all the time and not just stop learning when they have obtained their degree. This links in with being aware of what is happening, so keeping up to date with methods of teaching and resources used for learning – which could include technological advances; I think these all show commitment and love of the work they undertake. Finally, a teacher who makes a difference should be dedicated, should discipline at the correct moments, they should be willing to make some sacrifices for the benefit of their pupils and they should definitely go home at the end of every day with a sense of satisfaction knowing that they have done the best they possibly could have for their pupils and that their pupils have increased their knowledge because of the work they have done..

I found this article, which shows what the pupils have to say about this:

Students view of what makes a perfect teacher.


Q2. Do you agree with what these teachers call professionalism?

I do agree with what these teachers call professionalism. The teachers talked about how teachers are becoming more accountable for their actions like other professions, for example a doctor. A doctor is accountable for their actions when treating patients and this is the same for teachers – they are accountable for their actions when educating and beyond. They also described how teachers are seen as role models and should have an appropriate attitude. They also said that a professional should be mindful of how they react to the way others speak to them, therefore not judging someone just because of their background. A professional should be an effective communicator and be able to communicate efficiently with all people of all ages. One teacher said in order for teachers to be professional they should keep up with their professional development by increasing their teaching and learning standards and they should be able to cater for the needs of their students in the class very, very well.

I do agree with what the teachers say about professionalism and it is evident that being a teacher is being part of a profession. A profession isn’t determined by the clothes you wear but by your attitude and attributes towards that profession.


Q3. What is the message here?

The message I receive from Chris Christie is that teachers are a very highly valued part of society. They go above and beyond for every student and show care and compassion. Chris also said that teachers should be paid what they deserve to be paid and more, however, I think most teachers are in this profession for many other things other than the pay they receive – satisfaction of seeing a pupil understand their work, watching the pupils grow and develop through time, knowing that you have given your students the time, the care, the support, the understanding to help them with their future. Teaching is about the things that don’t cost money!

The message I receive from Karen Lewis is that if you are the type of teacher whose work is only in the school and in the classroom then you are not a professional. A worker is someone who will clock in at the start of their shift and clock out at the end of their shift – they leave their work at work. From what Karen said, I believe that if you are a worker then you are not a professional. A professional doesn’t stop their work once they have clocked out. In order to be considered a professional as a teacher, you should spend time out with school hours planning lessons, researching for topics, marking work, trying to make sure that every pupil is benefiting from the lesson and ensuring that your lesson is fun – making sure every student wants to participate and no one is bored. There is more to teaching than educating in a classroom – it is educating in a classroom and everything else that is done to ensure that it goes smoothly that makes you a professional!

Professionalism in the online world

What challenges/opportunities you may be faced with when marrying the personal vs the professional presence on social media?

Having social media sites that are used for both personal and professional use may have some advantages. It may allow pupils to see your interests and to realise there is more to you than the teacher they see in an educational environment. I do, however, believe that having shared social media should only be of access to pupils who are of an appropriate age to use social media (as a Primary school teacher, I wouldn’t let the pupils follow me on Twitter or be friends on Facebook.) I think shared social media may help in lessons. For example, if you had travelled to Australia and the lesson had some connection to Australia, the pictures you had posted on social media of your time there might help the pupils to understand what Australia is like and give them a realistic view of it.

On the other hand, social media used for both professional and personal use may not be appropriate. There may be photos taken from a night out or family function that some may deem unprofessional and inappropriate. This may start to raise questions of whether you are suited in such a role. It might not be appropriate for pupils to see some aspects of your private life as we are seen to be role models for them. Also, a comment you post on social media may be taken in a negative way and may put you in a difficult situation. This once again may cause people to question whether you are fit to teach.

I personally believe that, as a Primary teacher, there should be separate accounts for personal use and another one for professional use. I believe that we are all human beings and are allowed to have a life away from the professional setting in an educational environment. I do, however, believe that when “letting our hair down” that there is still a manner of professionalism that we should remember and that we shouldn’t post things on social media that we wouldn’t be happy for our parents to see.

How are the challenges/opportunities afforded by social media framed? How will you frame things – positive or deficit viewpoint?

I think the media has a large part to play in how social media is framed. I think it frames social media in a negative way as there are always horror stories of social media in the news. Whether it be stories of cyberbullying, stories about images of an explicit nature being sent or even a story about teachers on a night out supposedly “pole dancing”. I think that the media gives society a one sided view of social media, thus making a large section of society see it in a very negative way. Even though we have seen positive aspects of social media – like people finding missing relatives or the use of social media to help fundraise for a cause – I don’t think this is reported as much in the media. I do strongly believe that those real villains of the online world should be shown for what they are when it is right to do so.  The public perception becomes one that believes social media shouldn’t be used in the classroom because of all the negative things it has been seen to be used for, despite there being many positive uses of it.

Personally, I would like to frame social media in a positive way. By using it in the classroom and in lessons as an extension to the traditional textbook and jotter and also instead of the traditional methods of teaching. As time goes on, technology is being developed further and I believe we should “move with the times” so that the pupils have a current education rather than one that is outdated. We should be preparing the pupils for a life outside of school and their working career, so if they have a good and positive understanding of technology and social media, it can be further developed as they grow and help open up numerous possibilities for them in the future. I also believe that people should be aware of the negatives of social media. I think that pupils should be educated about the dangers of social media so that they know it isn’t this “perfect” world and so that they don’t get themselves caught up in the negative side of social media, or if they do, know how to rectify it or how to get help to rectify it.