Why did I choose teaching?

Teaching is a profession I have considered since a very young age. I remember creating a year book in Primary 4 and I had stated that my “dream job” was to be a Primary teacher. Throughout the rest of my school education – both Primary and Secondary – teaching has been a profession that has always been at the back of my mind, even when I was more interested in other professions.


So why teaching?

Like I have previously stated, I have been interested in teaching for as long as I can remember. My earliest memory of wanting to become a teacher is when I would pretend to be a teacher to an imaginary class either in my bedroom or in the garden. I would be lost in my own little teaching world for hours as I taught the imaginary children – often repeating the fun lessons I had experienced in school that day. Sometimes, after completing my homework, I would double check my work to ensure it was correct and I would take that opportunity to pretend I was marking one of my pupil’s work.

Primary teaching became more of my ideal job due to my Primary 7 teacher. He interacted with the class so well and made the lessons fun – essentially he was on the children’s level. He took interest in our lives and the things we wanted to tell him. He was very approachable and everyone felt comfortable asking for help or needing advice about problems. There was no awkwardness and I also looked forward to going into school the following day. His lessons were very fun and somewhat different to ways we had learned before. One lesson that stands out to me was the time he gave us all a picture and asked us to write a story using the characters or the setting in that picture. It let my imagination run wild as there was no limits – I could write about whatever I wanted as long as I used that picture as a basis for the story. I also remember his enthusiasm for every aspect of education and the way he wanted the best for his pupils. He even introduced a head boy and head girl into my Primary school (I was proudly elected head girl.) So seeing the way he taught and his enthusiasm for all his pupils to be the best they possibly can be, inspired me to become a teacher.

Before I could be accepted onto this course, I spent some time in a Primary school in order to gain some experience in a teaching environment. It made me feel very humble seeing how excited the children would get when I would walk into the class and how much they would appreciate my help. There was nothing better than seeing their faces light up when they finally understood what they were being taught or how excited they were to tell you about the marks they got on their spelling test. That was when I finally knew I had picked the right profession for me.


Now I am studying to be a teacher, I’d like to become a teacher who is fun and very interactive with her pupils. Someone who takes the time and compassion for every single member of her class. I want to be the type of teacher that keeps the pupils interested and makes them hungry to discover more about a certain topic. I want my pupils to look forward to coming to school every day and for them to know that no matter the size of the problem I will always be there to help them. I would like to be a teacher that’s only ever strict at the appropriate times. I want my lessons to be fun and exciting so nobody becomes bored when at school and make them enthusiastic to complete their work in school and their homework. I aspire to be the best teacher I possibly can be to help my pupils become the best they possibly can be.





3 thoughts on “Why did I choose teaching?

  1. This was a really sweet post Adele and I enjoyed reading it. The video was also very funny! I’m sure with the inspiration and experience you have acquired you will make a great teacher!

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post. I love how we all have that one teacher that inspired us to become a primary school teacher. Without such great teachers, there won’t be a new eager generation ready to fill their posts.

  3. Avatar photo

    It was great reading about the different aspects which inspired you to become a teacher! I remember playing the whole classroom game with my sister, one of us would be the assistant and the other would be the teacher. It was great fun pretending to carry out lessons! I completely relate to that! It was also really interesting hearing about your inspirational teacher. I love how there’s a connection between a few of the qualities you saw in him and the kind of teacher you’re on your way to becoming. The fact you can still remember that lesson where you were to write a story is great because it means it really had an impact on you! I would love to have that impact on pupils; where they can still remember a positive lesson years later, where it really made a difference and impacted them positively. I also strongly relate to the feelings you had when working with the children in the primary school, they’re all the same feelings I felt when working with my brother and doing my work experience. I enjoyed the video at the end! It’s very light-hearted and amusing. It’s funny because a lot of it’s true! I wish you all the best for your journey to becoming the teacher you have explained and I’m excited to be able to be a part of your development, reading your posts and finding out your views on different aspects of the course.


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