Category Archives: 1.1 Social Justice

Appearance vs personality

Does a person’s appearance allow them to be categorized?

On Tuesday 25th September we had a 2 hour long lecture on racism and patriarchy. We heard of cases such as the brutal murder of Emmet Till in 1955 and other hate crimes on black citizens around the world from the past. Having studied the black-white divide that was present in America and apartheid in South Africa, I had learnt of these cases before and therefore did not dwell on the the subject after leaving the lecture hall.

However when looking at the resources on padlet later in the day, I noticed a BBC documentary called “Black Power” which I decided to watch. It covered the recent police brutality towards black citizens in America and after watching the whole documentary I was shocked at what I had watched. Despite having heard stories about police brutality, part of me had believed that we had come so far in becoming a more welcoming society. Part of me believed that racism and treating people based on their appearance was all in the past. But I was completely wrong.

In this documentary, while black demonstrators shouted “Black lives matter”, white protesters chanted “Black brains splatter”. Many protesters were discussing how black people were more likely to be involved in crime and were dangerous within society, however the black community felt the opposite. Many described how they kept guns on their person or in their cars to protect themselves and their family and since the police in America have been responsible for more deaths in recent years than terrorists, I can certainly understand why.

This documentary was truly shocking for me and highlighted how, despite the black community having more respect and rights now than they did 50 years ago, the discrimination and divide is still undeniable. Black people still face fear of not only citizens in their home towns but also fear the police, their so-called “protectors”. Racism is not in the past, it is a problem of the present day.

Structural Inequalities

In our first workshop last week we had the task of working in groups to create something a new student at the university could use. Each group was given an envelope of supplies and after opening our envelope we discovered it was going to be more difficult than originally expected; we had one post-it note, a few paper clips, a rubber band and a piece of Blu-Tack.

After a short time we began to notice that all the other groups had more resources to work with; one group even had scissors, tape and multiple pieces of paper. This caused our group to feel slight resentment towards this other group as we realised we were not as fortunate as them and at a great disadvantage. Despite our limited resources we tried our best and made a map of the campus with the key places highlighted clearly.

The other group, on the other hand, created a box of stationary for new pupils, complete with pens, scissors, tape and a colourful design to finish. After seeing our pathetic attempt it was clear that they were unimpressed with our map and who could blame them? Lina Waghorn then asked that group if they had noticed how little we had to begin with and they said that they had been so focused on their project that they had assumed we had all been given the same materials.

Lina then explained that this was not a task for fun but instead to teach us an important lesson on values. The advantaged within our society do not realise how much they have as they are so self-consumed and assume that everyone else is as fortunate as they are, however the disadvantaged realise how little they have and “make do”. Therefore as teachers we need to remember that some children will come from more affluent families than others and therefore it is important to not assume, for example, that every child has a computer or access to one in order to give all children a fair chance in their education.

My thoughts?

This was an eye-opening way to show the inequalities that exist in our society today and a workshop I will never forget.

Welcome to your WordPress eportfolio

Welcome to your ePortfolio. This is where you will document and share your professional thoughts and experiences over the course of your study at the University of Dundee and beyond that when you begin teaching. You have the control over what you want to make public and what you would rather keep on a password protected page.

The ePortfolio in the form of this WordPress blog allows you to pull in material from other digital sources:

You can pull in a YouTube video:

You can pull in a Soundcloud audio track:

You can upload an image or pull one in from Flickr or any other image sharing site.

Teacher, Lorraine Lapthorne conducts her class in the Grade Two room at the Drouin State School, Drouin, Victoria

You can just about pull in anything that you think will add substance and depth to your writing.