Category Archives: 1.4 Prof. Commitment

Teaching Across the Curriculum – Health and Wellbeing

As part of the health and wellbeing inputs I have watched some videos surrounding early years development and relationship building. The first video discussed how babies brains are very flexible in the fist stage of their life and the experiences they have here shape what kind of pathways are made in their brain for their future development and life. The video also discusses how children react to the environments we surround them with and the affects these environments have on their development. The second video focused more on the importance of these early years experiences and how they can affect the decisions that child makes in adulthood.

It is important as teachers to understand how the brain develops, in order to help every child have the best start in life. It is only through an understanding of a child’s need for a constant, supportive environment that they can produce not only their best work but  also develop the key skills they will need for later life. It is important for us as teachers to create an environment for the children in our class which allows them to build resilience and ability to take positive risks. As a teacher it is also important to understand each of your children as an individual and be able to know what their needs are and how you can help support them to achieve in all areas of the curriculum. It is important for children to build strong positive relationships with their family, friends and teachers in order to have a network that supports them in their learning and life.

As a professional I aim to support every child as an individual, allowing their needs to be met. To do this I will strive to create a welcoming and nurturing environment that the children can feel safe and supported in. I will also aim to have open lines of communication between myself the children, their families and colleagues to allow every individual child to gain the support they need in order to develop holistically. The videos have made me realise and think about the affect the environment a child grows up in has on their development and needs within a school environment. As well as the impact I have on that child as a teacher, not only for their curriculum development but their ability to develop the skills they need to create positive relationships within all aspects of their life.

What brought me to teaching?

I look back on my primary experience and realise that there are some teachers that I can still remember exactly what they taught and how they taught it. I soon realised that I wanted to be able to have that same affect on someone. To be able to teach children key skills that they will use throughout their whole life gives me a great sense of satisfaction. I enjoy seeing people learn and to have some part in that fills me with pride.

This was later confirmed when I carried out work experience in a nursery, where I saw just how important these practitioners were in affecting young peoples lives. The children trust that they will not only be looked after but be taught the skills they need later on to achieve their dreams.

Teaching has come a long way in the past few years, with technology advancing and becoming more readily used. I believe that teachers have to adapt with the times and use these advances in technology to benefit the pupils education and their own teaching style.