Structural Inequalities Reflection

This week we participated in a very eye opening task within the values module. We were split into four groups and given envelopes. These envelopes had the materials that we had to use, as part of the task, to create a useful resource for a first year student at Dundee university.

Each team opened the envelope and inside was stationary, unknowingly at the beginning some packs had a wider variety of resources than others. Our pack was very limited, as we began to work together and create ideas we came up with a planner/guide that could be useful on a students first day. Due to our limited resources, we felt more encouraged to take on the challenge using the paper, pencil, blue tac and post it notes, to create a clear and aesthetically pleasing guide.

After we had created our guide, we had to present it along with the other groups presenting their creations. It was then that we began to notice how much of an unfair advantage two of the groups had with the amount of resources given to them. After the presentation we all had to be rated out of ten, two out of the four groups were rated a lot higher than the other two and it began to feel as though those two groups were the “favourites”. This then created a lack of motivation in our group as we felt as though our efforts were not worth anything, prizes were given out to the two “better” groups and we were left without any positive feedback and no means of advice to help us improve. Our view/perspective of the task then became different in comparison to the other groups, we felt as though we were not connected to the lecturer at all and became less involved. This created a less enthusiastic environment.

We were then told it was all intentional and the task was designed to make half of us feel like we were less equal just due to a lack of resources that we had. This was a relief as we felt we had put in the same amount of effort but just because we had limitations our final creation may not have appeared as good.

This task inspired me as it highlights that it is so important as teachers to understand that some children have better privileges than others, some are not given the same support and materials at home but this does not make them any less capable. Even setting a homework task is not as simple as it seems, these tasks are crucial for their learning and growing yet it is easier for some children to complete them,  just due to a more enhanced range of resources available. It is vital as teachers to take a holistic approach to all areas of learning.

To understand the difference between being less capable and being less equipped.

This task shone some light on the conclusion that all children must feel as though they are reaching their full potential and are more than capable to reach their goals with nothing blocking their path.

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