Category Archives: Online Literacy Assessment

Online Literacy Assessment, OLA

Week 4 – Learning From Life

Monday 8th April 

Eagles (pre-a1) –

Rooms of the house – the Kitchen.

Bingo, crossword activity, learning the vocab for the kitchen items on the whiteboard and from flashcards. matching games and labelling.

The behaviour at the start of the lesson was very good and the children were all engaged in learning the vocab and repeating the words. Although throughout the lesson they began to get tired and struggled to complete the tasks.

Starters (a1) – 

The starters tonight were learning animals through a story. The story was called, Who am I? As a starter activity I got the children to work together to name as many aniamls in english as they could on the whiteboard. This got the children really engaged and ready to read the story and complete the activities. We read the story together and looked at the comparisons of the animals in the story using words such as; bigger than, smaller than, a longer, a shorter, this animal has a …, this animal does not have….

The children were able to follow the tasks well throughout and at the end of the lesson they enjoyed playing an alphabet game together trying to name an animal in English for each letter of the alphabet.

Tuesday 9th April 

First (b2) –

Writing Reviews.

Learning about effective conjunctions for writing recommendations. We spoke about how some adverbs cannot be used alongside other words because they just would not make sense. For example: A wide resounding success. Utterly carefully edited. Completely quite good. I feel that working with these teenagers is helping my confidence build in teaching grammar lessons. I feel nervous teaching grammar because I find that it is difficult to explain, and sometimes feel I need to think about how I use my grammar as well, this class is pushing me out of my comfort zone to teach grammar to older students.


Wednesday 10th April 

Eric (Business)

Complete work on employment – reading the article and discussing high calibre staff. Moving on to Trade topic. How does globalisation effect trade and local cultures and businesses?


Kitchen work

Tonight, we are recapping our work on the kitchen items. We are playing a spot the difference game, a game with instructions on what colour to colour in kitchen objects.

Thursday 11th April

Pet3 (B1)

Tonight the students are learning how to read and give instructions.

Writing instructions for how to use different machines they own for example- the washing machine, DVD player or TV box.

Only Alfredo tonight, so it was a one to one class, which allowed me to spend time getting to know him better and I found out that at the end of the year in June when he finishes Middle School before moving to High School he needs to do a presentation in English that covers all the subjects he has been studying. His topic is The Universe!  Alfredo worked really hard tonight and managed to write two pieces of work giving instructions to a friend. On how to use the washing machine and how they can use his computer.  His work was very good and only required a few changes in grammar which we discussed the importance of.

Friday 12th April

Ket A2

Today the class are working on the topic of ‘At the Airport’ (Your passport, please), the topic covers discussion and understanding on providing and asking for information, checking-in, going through immigration and the information desk. After this, they moved onto the topic of ‘At the Hotel’ which is their first unit in their writing section of the course. In this unit the class were learning ahow to fill in check in forms and write important information down that a hotel may require.

Saturday 13th April


To start the lesson, we recapped the vocabulary we looked at last week to see what they could remember and if they were able to pronouce words correctly as well.

Todays lessons begins with the workbook in A trip to the city, which looks at comparing cities and villages and how they differ. For grammar and spelling we looked at when to use G or J.

Next we looked at The world around us.. Which links well to looking at the Where chapter we have previously looked at.  I find that this class struggle to stay on task for the duration of the lesson and so prior to the class I looked online for active activities to hold their interest and attention. Here are some of the activities I planned for the children;

Where am I game.. I created cards with places e.g. supermarket, hotel etc.  and the other person can ask questions in english to try and guess where the person is.

To engage the students today around the topic of the lesson, I asked them to create a fact file for a city they wanted to visit using as much information as they could find from the internet. For example: population, climate, language, things to do, how to get there, what to see etc.

Awards Ceremony

Tonight we had a certificate ceremony for the students who had sat exams in December. The students and their families were invited to the school to watch a Cambridge English video and receive their certificates and stay for cakes and drinks to celebrate afterwards. It was lovely to give certificates out to students that I have been working with the past month and seeing how proud their families were of their achievements.



Each week I feel that I am developing different skills that are important to me professionally and personally. I am developing my thinking skills in the Italian lessons I am having, which I think are starting to have an impact on my ability to speak and understand others speaking the language better.

I am becoming more assertive in my behaviour management with the classes as well because of the confidence I have developed in working with the same classes weekly now. This will be useful to me for my next placements in 3rd year at university as hopefully this will help me to feel more comfortable implementing thiese skills early on in the placement experiences.


Monday 8th April

Cooking with Ida

Today we were learning how to make Gnocchi!!! Gnocchi is my favourite Italian food so this was the most exciting lesson yet for me! Gnocchi pomodoro e basilico. This has been my favourite cooking lesson yet although I really struggled with curling the pasta across the fork into the gnocchi shape!  

Sunday 14th April

Sorrento Overnight Visit

We took the circumvesuviana from Pompei ruins to Sorrento to explore another area of the south of Italy coast.  The town was smaller than we expected with less to do as well.  Luckily the weather was nice so we enjoyed walking around and seeing the art on the streets and the cobblestone paths.  The views of the coast are incredible, I have attached photos in the gallery above.