Category Archives: 1.4 Prof. Commitment

Maths, this is not the end – I promise

Discovering Mathematics, I can honestly say, has been brilliant. Intriguing, eye-opening, shocking. It has left me sad it has reached an end, but I am 100% certain when I say that this is most definitely not where my new-found love for maths ends.

Where to start?
I selected ‘Discovering Mathematics’ as my elective module for MA2 and at the time, admittedly, I was not completely certain of what to expect to take from it. I knew it would entail learning about approaches towards learning mathematics and so this was an automatic go-to.
From the first introductory class we had, I thought to myself ‘yes, this is a good choice, I’m going to learn a lot’ and I was right!

Goodbye maths anxiety!
‘Maths anxiety’ is something I learned about in the module and, unbeknown to its title and ‘diagnosis’ if you like, experienced myself prior to the module. All thanks to the tutors who ran the inputs for the module, my lack of confidence in maths quickly banished and went to the back of my mind. Rather than dreading maths, I started to really look forward to the next maths input. I can confirm this was due to the tutors’ own love for learning maths which was an inspiring attitude that brushed off on me. Admittedly, there are still areas of maths I am not so confident in, as I am not qualified in the subject at a too-impressive level. However, the module has made me experience a sense of confidence in findings out things I did not know about in maths and question things upon professional and personal reflection.

Discovering Mathematics – Mathematics, you have been discovered
In summary, I mean what it says in the title. I would recommend this module highly as an elective choice for any MA Education students who have the option to look into choosing this. It’s a real eye-opener to ways of learning and approaches to methodology in teaching mathematics, which was not my strong point in professional practice. Now I am more keen than ever before to develop my maths practice in schools.

What’s next?
There are many thing I’ve learned about throughout this module which I would not have thought twice about in terms of making connections to mathematical concepts. For example, maths and dance, maths in nature and really, honestly, the fact maths is everywhere. It has changed my perspective of maths to one that it determined to explore maths further because now I know there is no escaping maths – it is in almost everything we do! Not only this, but I am driven to change people’s perceptions of maths – especially the way it is approached in schools. Let’s abolish the ‘rote-learning’ attitude and get adventurous!


Now Discovering Mathematics if finished, I think it’s time to go and eat some Christmas π.
… Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

First position – Dance and Maths

First position. Second position, third, fourth, fifth position. Wall one, two, three, four. Corner five, six, seven, eight.

Maths, believe it or not, is a large fundamental element underlying choreography and dance.
From the age of two years and for the most-part of my teenage years, I was, unbeknown to my senses, experiencing mathematical thinking during rehearsals and practising dance. My passion for ballet, Scottish dance, jazz and tap meant I was dancing for years without consciously recognising the patterns of maths evolving. Now, since starting the Discovering Mathematics module, I have come to realise maths is monumental in its involvement in dance.

I first realised this whilst sitting in a Discovering Mathematics workshop, where my astonishment was rapidly growing about the connections maths has, to everything. I decided at that moment, to reflect on this. This led me to write about the links between maths and tasks we complete day-to-day. However, in hindsight, I realise I did not actually write about a specific link I’ve made to maths.

Generally, maths is in dance if you think about counting beats, speed, shapes made with the body, angles, position, timing in music and patterns in the choreography itself. For example, in the dance studio, you will, most of the time, be surrounded by four walls and four corners. You must learn the number each wall is labelled as and understand the directions in which you must face. To face whichever numbered wall or corner, you must understand the mathematical concept that is ‘rotation’ by understanding clockwise and anti-clockwise. Mathematical vocabulary is widely used in dance, as well as in drama and theatre performances:

  • CS – centre stage
  • CSL – centre stage left
  • CSR – centre stage right
  • USL – upper stage left
  • USR – upper stage right
  • USC – upper stage centre
  • DSL – down stage left
  • DSR – down stage right
  • DSC – down stage centre

These are named ‘stage directions’ and usually your choreographer or director will instruct you in accordance to the space. To be able to dance in accordance to this, you must understand the maths vocabulary used, which, in this example, is direction.

Dance does not require mathematical problem-solving or making calculations. Instead, it is simpler. More fundamental. It requires you to think mathematically. What I mean by this is you need to be able to have a sense of pace, time and speed in dance routines and therefore counting beats is a mathematical strategy in practice. It is debatable that counting beats is a musical skill, however I argue that this is mathematical, as well as musical.

Additionally, symmetry is largely used in dance. Numbers of routines and choreographed sequences are designed around the principle of symmetry – this requires the understanding of what symmetry is, what symmetry looks like and how symmetry is created. The fundamental understanding of symmetry is key in dance. Symmetry is also in occurrence when a dancer is balancing, because keeping the body symmetrical or in other words equal, aids balancing.

Dancers make shapes with their bodies in dance. Specifically, in ballet, dancers create triangular shapes and angles with their legs and arms. An understanding of straight, parallel, horizontal, and curvilinear needs to be understand, as this is important in ballet. Dancers should understand the fundamental learning of angles – specifically, understanding 40, 90, 180 and 360 degrees, in order to accurately use their bodies in pirouettes and developpes.

In summary, I have discussed the links between maths and dance, a real passion of mine and as dance as always been a strong commitment of mine I was enthusiastic about sharing its interconnected relationship with fundamental maths.
In terms of pedagogy, I aspire to learn about teaching maths through dance in my professional practice. Dance is an expressive art which is not implemented sufficiently in schools and I definitely intend on it having more consistent and regular involvement in aiding children’s learning.

Any fellow dancers, I would love to hear your thoughts on dance and maths. 

Just a little poetry

Following a Language module input surrounding poetry, I took quite an interest of how poetry is devised, the messages poetry can portray and the overall structure and genre of a poem.


This is a continuation of a poem by Anna Robb – what you read here is my created addition. We were set the task of reading Anna Robb’s poem and doing a continuation.

For a rumbling tummy, 
I would scoff

The snap of a biscuit
The crunch of a crisp
The slice of a sandwich
The sizzle of some chips

Food, glorious food!


Following this activity, we were then set the task of devising our own poems around a topic of our choice. This was completed as a group activity (Natalie Cant, Rebecca Dickson, Ben Neighbours).


A Pizza Poem

Thin crust
Stuffed crust
Cheesy twisted garlic crust
Gluten free is a crispy crust
But it is a must!

Swirl on tomato sauce
Garlic butter too
Sprinkle on some mozzarella
But no other cheese, ew!

Chicken, ham, pepperoni
Sounds so devine
Do not forget some roasted peppers
That’s my pizza design! 


The following poem is a poem written by myself. Any comments would be appreciated.
Understand it as you wish.

Teacher, teacher

Rebecca Dickson, 17. 11. 15.

Teacher, teacher
Come to me
I need some help writing the letter ‘e’!
Teacher, teacher
Come to me

Teacher, teacher
Help me
She’s not being very nice to me!
Teacher, teacher
Help me

Teacher, teacher
Listen to me
I have some exciting news, you see! 
Teacher, teacher
Listen to me 

Teacher, teacher
Look at me
What do you notice different today, something about me?
Teacher, teacher
Look at me

Teacher, teacher
Talk to me
I need just one person to talk to me!
Teacher, teacher
Talk to me 

Teacher, teacher
Watch me
I need someone to just watch me!
Teacher, teacher
Watch me

Teacher, teacher
Praise me
I only hear bad things at home, you see
Teacher, teacher
Praise me

Teacher, teacher
I see him
He does not need any help, nor him!

Teacher, teacher
I listen to her 
She’s the one that’s not nice, that girl! 

Teacher, teacher
He’s had a turn
I haven’t had a chance, not even one!

Teacher, teacher
Pay attention to me!

Teacher, do you see me?


Unimaginable Imagination

Imagine an unimaginable imagination. One that no teacher, educator, facilitator, parent, caregiver or learner sets expectations for, standardises for, or… imagines.

Sarah Maxine Green, an American educational philosopher, author, social activist and teacher, stated,

“We want our classrooms to be just and caring, full of various conceptions of the good. We want them to be articulate, with the dialogue involving as many persons as possible, opening up to one another and to the world. We also want our students to be concerned for one another as we learn to be concerned for them. We want them to achieve friendships among one another as they move to a heightened sense of craft and wide-awakeness and a renewed consciousness of worth and possibility.”

Following an input in Education Studies: Historical and Comparative Perspectives on Education module, I thought about this quote from Greene and I reflected on what it means to be in a classroom. What is our purpose of schooling? What is the need to teach such human traits as to be caring, respectful and open-minded? I argue that it is to broaden the mind of our learners. To allow them to visualise, to imagine their potential and teach them the skills they need to turn that imagination into a reality. Schooling is to support and encourage our learners in becoming well-rounded individuals.
I analysed this quote from Maxine Green and recorded a few key points I interpreted from it:

Click on the picture for better quality.

Many of the traits Maxine Green talks about in the above statement, I interpret to making a number of links to the Curriculum for Excellence (2009), and in particular, the four capacities: successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

This just highlights to me that even though Maxine Green does not base her work in Scotland, around our Scottish Curriculum, based on our learners, our expectations and our way of working in schools, the idea and the imagination and thoughts are still on the same wavelength. We want our learners to achieve potential, bring their own views and to have the confidence to express them. Most importantly, for our learners to have an awareness and an imagination for what is possible.

In response to Greene’s statement, she is talking about creating an ethos and an influential environment in classrooms and amongst children as learners and individuals – one that demonstrates respect, appreciates friendships and understands voices and opinions. I strongly agree with what Greene pushes for by saying this, as she shows understanding of the profound importance of capturing the essence of the holistic child. 


Greene, M. (2000). Releasing the Imagination. Essays on Education, The Arts and Social Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Page 155.

Scottish Government (no date) Education Scotland: The purpose of the curriculum: The four capacities. Available at: Last Accessed: Nov 17 2015.

Stress, stress, stress!

I recently read the article on BBC News, “Stressed teachers being ‘reduced to tears'” by Hannah Richardson, BBC News Education Reporter, 22 October 2015 (see link below) and it really hit me. It made me think – teachers are crying out, literally, and what for? They are stressed.

This article is stating the lead up to the stress is due to the workload teachers are faced with. In the article, it is stated by Dr. Bousted, a writer for Times Educational Supplement:
“It seems that teacher stress is increasingly being regarded as par for the course and part of the job.”
I agree that the workload in teaching is part of the job, due to GTCS standards and requirements, paperwork must be done. However, that should not take away from the love, passion and fun that teaching should be for teachers undergoing current stress. Not only will the stress make you feel under pressure, it will have an impact on your learners as well as those around you – colleagues, friends and family.

Dr. Bousted continued,
“A newly qualified teacher, asking for help to deal with an impossible workload which took up every evening until 11pm and all of the weekend, was told by her line manager ‘that’s the way it is in teaching’.
To say, “that’s the way it is in teaching”, is a harsh reality for some, however it does not have to be stressful, pressurised or looked upon negatively. As a current student teacher, I am still only partially aware of the workload required by qualified teachers. Of course, I have seen in practice the paperwork – planning, assessment and reports. My viewpoint is that if you are entering the teaching profession, it is profound you thoroughly understand what is expected of you – the teacher, the facilitator, the educator, the professional, the trusted and respected role model. In order to be these things, you have to do the work.

Dr. Bousted goes on to advise,
as professionals, expect to work hard but should not be expected to devote every minute of their lives to their work. Teachers need time to relax, to pursue hobbies, to talk to their families and friends. They need time to be human.”

Teaching is not all stress. The way I see it is that you will always have work to do. There will not be a day that comes when you will have completed everything on your ‘to-do’ list. But that is part of being a professional. It all comes down to commitment and dedication. 



Stressed teachers being ‘reduced to tears’ –

The educator’s conceptual view – know what you are teaching!

Limited subject matter knowledge restricts a teacher’s capacity to promote conceptual learning among students. Even a strong belief of “teaching mathematics for understanding” cannot remedy or supplement a teacher’s disadvantage in subject matter knowledge. A few beginning teachers in the procedurally directed group wanted to “teach for understanding.” They intended to involve students in the learning process, and to promote conceptual learning that explained the rationale underlying the procedure. However, because of their own deficiency in subject matter knowledge, their conception of teaching could not be realized. Mr. Felix, Ms. Fiona, Ms Francine, and Ms. Felice intended to promote conceptual learning. Ironically, with a limited knowledge of the topic, their perspectives in defining the students’ mistake and their approach to dealing with the problem were both procedurally focused. In describing his ideas about teaching, Mr. Felix said: “I want them to really think about it and really use manipulatives and things where they can see what they are doing here, why it makes sense to move it over one column. Why do we do that? I think that kids are capable of understanding a lot more rationale for behavior and actions and so on than we really give them credit for a lot of times. I think it is easier for anybody to do something and remember it once they understand why they are doing it that way“.”
– Liping Ma, Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics (2010, page 36)

The most important thing to remember when teaching maths – when teaching anything – as the teacher, the educator and the facilitator, is that you must understand what you are teaching. This is what Ma (2010, p. 36) is talking about here.

As a teacher and a professional educator, you are responsible for providing knowledge to your learners, not just passing it to them as information in a book or in the form of confusing statistics and facts, but as an understood conceptual view of the content. If you do not understand what you are teaching, this may invite opportunity for confidence to fall in your learners – you are the trusted educator in the classroom, on which your learners depend on to provide subject matter with an understanding you have thoroughly revised, in order to adapt the content to best explain it to them.

Outsmarted?… Imagine this. You are planning a lesson – a maths lesson. You have a vague and somewhat passive understanding of the content you intend to teach. And so you think your learners will trust that you understand what input they are going to receive, because, after all, you are the teacher. Right? That passive understanding you have, is only going to brush off onto your learners. Children are observant and will easily pick up on your mistakes, your struggles and perhaps your lack of confidence when you are teaching them. So, you plan your lesson, still intact with your passive understanding of the content you intend to teach. Then it comes to your lesson and your learner outsmarts you. Perhaps in the form of a question, that you cannot answer. Is this due to your negligence?

Your learners depend on you to know what you are talking about, and here, Ma, explains the profound importance to approach your intended learning content with a conceptual view – if you understand, you have more chance of your learners understanding!



Ma, L. (2010) Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics – Teachers’ Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and The United States. London: Routledge.

Is teaching a profession? Are teachers professionals?

Professionalism in the teaching discipline is diversely considered. Many people have the viewpoint that professionals are of high status in society, an example being lawyers. We must acknowledge the responsibility teachers hold in the profession and identify their roles as professionals, deservingly.

Teaching is a paid occupation, therefore I believe should be defined as a profession. Oxford English Dictionary (2012) supports this by stating that a profession is a paid occupation following extended training and formal qualifications. This definition serves the suggestion that teaching is in fact a profession, because to graduate with a teaching degree, you are required to be relevantly and formally qualified and to have completed the appropriate teacher training. Saying this, many teachers are being given jobs in schools in England without having achieved the formal qualifications. So, does this mean they are not part of this profession and subsequent to this, not professionals, because they do not have the formal qualifications? Profession is defined as having gone through appropriate training in the specified field of study, so if an individual has relevant work experience, should formal qualifications be a necessity? An article on The General Teaching Council for Wales brought to my attention the belief that teaching is not an isolated profession. Instead, it is much more: it is working with social workers, therapists, specialists and many more who bring support to teachers and children. This raises the question: are teachers professionals in more jobs and roles than teaching solely?

Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘professional’ as ‘relating to or belonging to a profession’. Although this definition is understood as meaning, for example, professionals in healthcare potentially belong to a Healthcare profession, there are many attributes of an individual which make them a professional. Being a professional means meeting standards and expectations of society, policy and those set yourself with consideration of ethics, values and beliefs. An important element of being a successful teacher is being a professional; the way you conduct yourself, behave and how your professional role is portrayed. To be a professional in teaching, it is important to ensure you are a good example for young children to follow. It is also important to consider the way you conduct yourself to your peers and to wider society, not just to your colleagues, because teachers being known as professionals can depend highly on the way they are viewed by society, which relies on the way the individual is portrayed to others.

I strongly think teachers’ roles being viewed as professionals is hugely dependent on the close community and wider society. The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) sets out a Code of Professionalism and Conduct (COPAC) in order to put in place key principles and standards expected of registered teachers, to ensure members of society have trust in teachers. The Code of Professionalism and Conduct is not only for registered teachers, but is also available to members of the public, therefore supporting the suggestion that teachers being viewed as professionals or unprofessionals is dependent on society. Saying this, it may also influence members of public to have a deep understanding of what is expected by teachers and therefore raise issues where teachers are identified as not meeting the standards. Therefore, this resulting in teachers not being appreciated as professionals. Although every teacher is different and will carry differing points of view on issues, varying values and personal beliefs, The General Teaching Council for Scotland strives to improve professional standards for teachers.

Yes, teachers should be identified as professionals, however it is dependent on how individual teachers conduct themselves, behave and portray their personality that defines whether they are being a professional.


Let’s talk philosophy… MA1

It is fundamental for any teacher to have their own philosophy of education, which is made up of their values and beliefs about learning, teaching and education, because this is an influential element of the learning, planning and reflecting process in the classroom, of which the teacher is responsible for.

Education is a never-ending, lifelong learning experience throughout which an individual to learn information, process knowledge and develop skills and abilities through experience and practice, which will develop the individual in becoming well-rounded. The value education holds is powerful and significant to many aspects of life including society, relationships and personal development; we develop by learning and being educated. Education and the value found in education is somewhat dependent around the individual’s learning experience.

To me, education is learning, knowledge, understanding, developing, experience and adaptation. I believe it is important for the teacher and the children to engage to their full capacity, always; be interested; and for the teacher to have and promote a ‘thirst for knowledge’. To experience valuable education, approaches and attitudes to acknowledge and portray are: mutual respect, equality, consideration, honesty, loyalty, integrity, justice, trust and fairness.

The teacher is the role model to the children he or she is responsible for; if the teacher portrays a thoughtful, considerate and interested attitude, the children will follow this. The responsibility the teacher holds for the learning and development of each child is highly important; the teacher must always ask, ‘what is the impact on learning?’, when he or she goes through the planning and assessing cycle. It is the teacher’s responsibility for the learning and education within the classroom – this is why it is of paramount importance the teacher has his or her own Philosophy of Education.