Reflecting on Discovering Math

Reflecting on this course I believe it has given me a greater insight into the options I have when delivering maths to children within the primary setting. During placement, the teacher within my setting used a lot of textbook and worksheet maths however this module has shown me the different ways you can explore with the children that makes it enjoyable and provide the children with a context for their learning.
Throughout my learning career I think about all mathematics being from NHM textbooks and workbooks throughout primary school then moving to secondary where working from a text book or watching a teacher do equations on the board. When we asked in math class why we needed algebra or trigonometry the only reason we got was that it would be in the exam with no reason to why we would need it in later life.
This module has shown me how to make mathematics relevant to children through getting them to take part in real life activities. This can be both fun and interesting for the children bringing maths and other subjects together. This could be done through drama within a shop scenario or in art using measurement or pattern, even within literacy and trying to use mathematical language in a short story. It could also be done in a similar way to this module and allow the children to explore maths within an area of their choice.
This module has also shown me the importance of creating a math friendly classroom which is something I will take into my own practice to ensure that the children that I teach throughout my career have a positive attitude towards math and understand the importance of math within their life.

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