I don’t expect you to do any homework over the next two weeks, but you might get bored;-)
If you create anything share a photo on your e-portfolio or in Teams if you like. If you find any fun things to do you can share with your classmates.
Get in touch with me if you think I can help with anything. Email is probably best but I’ll pop into Teams most days and check comments on the blog and your e-Portfolios.
Please take you time reading this. Listen to the audio if it helps. Ask someone else to read it with you if that helps too.
I’ve seen most of you online this week either in Teams or your e-Portfolio posts. If you can please do one of the following:
Post to your e-Portfolio
Leave a message in teams
Leave a comment on this blog post
e-Mail me at gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk
Even if it is just to let us know how you are and that you are getting this.
I can also see that some of you have been doing a little sumdog and Readtheory, let’s try and do a bit more this week.
If you have had a problem with anything let me know.
This week I hope that you try a wee bit more work.
Everyone Every Day: Read & Write.
If you have not finished your reading book now is the time.
There are lots of things to read online but try to read books. When you have read something tell us about it in Teams or by posting a short review to your ePortfolio.
If you need reminded of the class code for Epic, email me.
Choose 2 or three things from the Writing List to do this week as well as the weekly task below:
This week make an advert. Think of the persuasive genre.
An interesting headline.
Information and claims about the product.
Great words and phrases.
Catchy slogans (that may use alliteration).
Opinions (that may be exaggerated).
Exciting pictures.
You could write this, make a poster or even a movie. Post it to your ePortfolio, use the Language & Literacy profile tag.
Gimmie Some Sums, do a few addition, subtraction and multiplication at a level that will challenge you. Do a few division if you know the repeated subtraction or formal method.
Draw and label some Quadrilaterals, you can use paper, an app or put them in a wall in minecraft. Label them if you do that.
Post to your e-Portfolio.
Hexagons & Octogons
How many 2D shapes can you draw? , you can use paper, an app or put them in a wall in minecraft. Label them if you do that. Post to your e-Portfolio.
Wars of Independence
Watch some of these videos, can you explain one of them. Don’t pick the one you did for our News programs. Think about the best way to do it, writing, drawing, video or a combination.
Hi Biggies,
I hope you are all settling into a routine, keeping safe and having some fun.
Please read this over with your parents, grandparents or whoever is looking after you in the day. Take your time read it carefully.
This week I would like you to do one thing. Make a timetable add it to your e-Portfolio.
Plan how you are going to spend your days. The picture with this post is just one idea, you may organise your day quite differently. You could also make your look nicer than mine
I do think you need to have some Literacy, spelling, reading and writing, some maths, some creative activity and some exercise. Please work with your parents or whoever is looking after you on this.
Of course you don’t need to keep to your timetable every day but it is a good idea to have one.
Your Learning Intention is: I can create timetables for different purposes, e.g. parties, school trips and events
Success Criteria:
Create a timetable
Have slots for literacy, maths, exercise and fun.
Once you have your timetable post it to your e-Portfolio. Take a picture if you can or just write it out.
If you have trouble getting onto your e-Portfolio let me know and I’ll try and help.
You can email me or let us know in Teams if you like, some people are chatting there already.
We have also had a few e-Portfolio posts, well done to those people. I’ve put links in the Team chat.
I am also putting some nice, I think, photos in Teams, Jess added a drawing in progress and Aaron has just posted a bird photo. Please do the same. It doesn’t need to be to do with School work.
Please talk to your parents or whoever is caring for you about what you are doing, they will be able to help.
I hope to see you soon, and you are keeping safe and having fun.
We have only half a class today, but the sun is shining so we went out and wrote some poems. We wrote some lunes and kennings to describe some of the signs of spring.
birds are sing
Up in the bright sky
Feeling the wind
Crocuses poem
Purple blooming in the air,
On the way to the fair.
By Tanya
Beautiful blooming
Purple pride
Purple guide
Honey holder
Money maker
Im a crocus
By Jonah
Crocus start blossoming.
Birds happily sing in spring.
Trees start budding.
Silent sight
Spotty dotter
Fearless flyer
Red runner
Purple bloomer
Yellow Holder
Light Flicker
Blooming Lighter
Spring Grower
The blue sky.
Where all the birds fly.
Up so high.
They say hello
They are fluffy and huffy
They cry goodbye
The Purple Shines,
The Orange And Yellow Inside,
The Petals Soft.
All the birds sing
What a wonderful day bird!
Birds love, it
Crocuses are growing.
Lambs playing in the field.
Potatoes are sprouting.
Rhuaridh A
March 11, 2020
by Comments Off on Cardboard Engineers part 3
The Biggies are spending the day tinkering and engineering. Already we have used our maths skills, measuring, dividing and knowing about the properties of shape; Our problem solving; practical skills and helping each other when two hands are not enough. Our next steps will involve more problem solving and practical skills to get our cams and cam folders sorted and finally we will use some creative thinking to finish our models off.