Talking with us about Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Area Impact Project report at SLF 2012

Yesterday saw the launch of the The Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Area Impact Project report in a lively and challenging session at SLF 2012. We were delighted to welcome to the session practitioners, partners, young people and parents as we shared the key messages from the report, and our strategies for taking this forward. Delegates were enthusiastic in joining the debate around the key strengths and aspects for development, talking together and reflecting on the extent to which

  • these were concordant with their expectations
  • there were any surprises in these
  • these apply in their local context.

Delegates were challenged to address the question:

What can you do in your role to

  • address the aspects for development
  • share the message with the report
  • engage with the debate

and to plan next steps.

We have posted the shared outcomes of the discussions at SLF2012, in the comments, which we hope will inspire you to blog and comment too!