A Place for Interactive Technology in Classrooms

Whilst in the classroom, an invaluable resource to teachers is software such as ‘ActivInspire’. It allows pupils to learn and engage with their learning on a whole new level. To make full advantage, myself and another teaching student were tasked to co-collaberate an interactive lesson to inspire young learners. We decided to create a mathematics lesson focussing around money (MNU-0-09a). Reflecting back to this activity, it is clear that this software will prove to be a resource that I will rely on heavily – but why use it?

Not only does it engage the learners, but it provides them with something they can use too; and enjoy using it. It can provide captivating lessons that otherwise would not be as effective, and making sure you get the most of the children’s attention.

The one disadvantage to ‘on the board’ technology, is that not all of the children can physically use it at the same time. Nevertheless, I’ve started creating lessons and banking them for the future – As I know this resource will be invaluable to my teaching and I hope they will make me a more effective teacher.

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