Category Archives: Digital Technology

BA1 Digital Technology- It was a good one!

After three months(I know three months can you believe it!!)  of exploring various Digital technology inputs within BA1 Digital Technology module it is now time to sum up my time in this class before submitting my blog. Waking up on Tuesday mornings and remembering it was Digital Technology today is a feeling I’m really going to miss. I have loved this class from beginning to end by getting to explore the wide range of digital technologies that can be offered in classrooms. There was many pieces of technology I had never came across before such as the Bee-Bot and the ScratchJr app and now I feel at heart with these and will need to in some way find a way to use these in the future. I have seen a new side to technology its not just about sitting indoors lacking concentration staring into a tiny screen for hours, its totally different. Digital technology is a new way of learning that young learners can use to suit their ability within the classroom. By engaging and communicating with other people as well as developing a new understanding of their learning across the curriculum, I feel I now understand the real benefits of technology in society. Technology allows learners in today’s society to raise their attainment levels and connect with something that will increase throughout their life. We as educators must know how to use the technology appropriately for children to be able to gain the very best learning experience they can.


Outdoor Learning and Digital Technologies

Before this input, I never really took into consideration technology and outdoors as a match. Growing up I was also made to believe that technology was used indoors and in some cases prevented people from going outdoors. This is heard constantly in today’s generation of parents moaning about the amount of time their children spend indoors glued to technology when they should be outdoors exploring the fresh air. However, from Tuesdays input I have now learned that in fact this moan of parents can be prevented by the use of technology for outdoor learning. Children can use their knowledge of digital technology to enhance their learning and understanding by going outdoors in a new environment.

In this tutorial, in small groups we completed 3 tasks using digital technology and the outdoor environment. To begin with my group and I used an iPad to access the Photo Booth app to take pictures of mini-beats using the thermal setting to learn about their body temperature which could potentially be part of a science lesson. Secondly, within this task we took pictures of landscapes using the mirror setting to explore symmetry using real life examples. The second task was similar however using the app Pic Collage we created multiple collages of pictures of objects we came across outdoors. For example, examining the different types of leafs or using pine cones to represent the two times table, I found this a very unique clever way of reinforcing pupils learning by using different objects to show an understanding. Lastly, unfortunately this task never went as smoothly as originally planned however, as I have learned from my lecturer we as educators must always have a plan B( always!). Due to Scotland’s unpredictable weather we has to complete the last task indoors. A treasure hunt was made around the university campus which required my group and I to use the QR reader app to find questions then try and choose the correct answer. In the end if all the correct answers were made the letters spelt out a word. As an adult I found this task quite challenging but extremely interesting and a new way of presenting problems for children to solve by themselves. At any age the excitement of a treasure hunt is scarily high!

This has highlighted to me that outdoor learning can be based around several curriculum topics whether it be science or mathematics. Children are building on their existing knowledge by exploring outdoors and expanding their understanding and discovery. Jackie Gerstein explores in a blog post, many ways of how digital technology can be used outdoors for learning as well as the technology devices which could be used. To name a few Jackie suggests using mobile devices which could have access to video and audio recordings along with taking photographs. She also explains the use of scanning and accessibility features. I feel that this proves the huge range of devices that can be used outdoors and can increase children’s learning in a different way other than sitting in the classroom. Before hand, I never really took into consideration the  extent to which technology could be used outdoors and how exciting it would be for learners to explore outdoors. Within Jackie Gersteins blog post a Youtube video is posted that shows teachers discussing the positives of outdoor learning and digital technology. The reality of the world is that learners are at nature with technology and are more comfortable with technology than they are exploring outdoors. However, what better way than to introduce digital technology to their learning experience outdoors which increases their attainment and of course their standard of work produced.

In addition to this, the Cfe document on outdoor learning name various benefits of outdoor learning many in which agree with what I have said above. First being outdoor learning can raise attainment levels, improve behaviour and reduce cases of ADHD. Personally I can agree with this, during my one week placement in BA1 the teacher I worked along side gave her learners a chance to go outside to calm down and release their energy before siting down to do hand writing for example. This teacher knew her class struggled at this particular subject and therefore knew that by taking them outdoors for a short period of time would reduce their energy levels and allow them to gain concentration when they returned to the classroom. After my experience of being outdoors during this input I felt more motivated and concentrated once I returned to the class which shows that young learners could potentially feel the same. The document also mentions the use of residential trips that I unfortunately never got to experience at primary school. The document highlights that by going on residential trips can bring people together as well as gaining responsibility. For many learners this could be the first time away from home therefore, responsibility and independence would be needed at all times. As well as this these trips allows young people to really get to know each other as well as teachers seeing their pupils in a different form of light that could help when returning to the classroom to teach.

Overall, I feel outdoor learning and digital technology is something I will definitely think about using in the future as a teacher. I love the excitement and how interested I was when completing the tasks in this input and really hope that one day I could reflect this upon the learners in my classroom to gain new discoveries and understandings.


“Learning outside the classroom is about raising young people’s achievement through an organized, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of prime importance.”


Digital Games Based Learning

In todays input for Digital Technologies we were learning about the impact and use of digital game based learning within the classroom. We explored and came up with various different lessons in which they could be used and what outcomes in the curriculum could be used with these. Today has proved that digital technology can in-fact enhance pupils learning and give pupils the chance to be creative. However, many teachers will disagree that digital game based learning can be a negative impact on learners due to arguments of learners being too distracted by the game and not actually benefiting by it. Although this could be argued that it is actually the teachers that should be able to keep all the pupils on task or split a larger class down into groups to ensure everyone is stayed focused. An article written by Jen Groff, Cathrin Howells and Sue Cranmer Future lab (2010) named ‘The impact of Console Games in the Classroom’ points out many primary school teachers initial worries of digital game based learning such as fears of parental perceptions and how they will tie it in with the curriculum. However after completeing these games within the classroom one teacher interviewed said:

“When you see the motivation and engagement for the pupils, I mean that’s your core goal, I think, as a teacher, and if you’ve got that, the learning just comes on so much more”

It is believed that this generation is now being born into a world of technology and this is something today’s learners are at heart with and are comfortable when it comes to working with them. Learners now a days have technology at home that they use almost everyday so whats not to say that this could be brought into the classroom and be used as a way of learning? Many people believe that the traditional way of pen and paper is now becoming out dated and old fashioned and doesn’t actually allow every learner to prove their ability as many learners can struggle with hand writing however, technology can save this issue. An argument along with this is that technology is a lot more environmental friendly and can be used as often as the teachers want to. I truly believe that digital technology grabs learners attentions and allows them not only build on this knowledge but recall previous knowledge.

After having the chance to play the Nintendo Wii and playing the game ‘MarioKart’ I can now see how engaging this game could be for children and how enthusiastic they would be when it came to playing it, sitting in a room full of adults I could tell that everyone was itching to have a shot.  This then allowed me to see the various lessons and curriculum outcomes that could be taught in the classroom by allowing learners to play this game before hand. Along with a partner we came up with various lesson plans, in literacy this game could be used to describe characters and the setting and potentially allow learners to write a creative story from the perspective of the character in the game for example, their feelings and thoughts, how they thought about winning and losing etc. Another particular lesson this game could be used for is Health and Well being. Through a PE lesson learners could plan and create a track either outside or in the gym hall where the teacher could explain to the learners to create an obstacle course like the game. I feel this would be very engaging and motivating for learners to complete as a PE lesson and allow them to build on their problem solving skills. As well as a PE lesson, learners could potentially identify Hazards within the game for example the bananas which could lead to a lesson on identifying hazards around the school or at home. Following on from this, we reported our lesson ideas back to the class where we heard everyone else ideas. I really liked one groups idea of creating a project for their class such as a race day where there would be stalls and the learners had to calculate the profits made, I feel this was a very interesting fun idea!

In addition to this we then explored the use of the app ‘GarageBand’ where you can create your own music using various different instruments and backing tracks. This app could be used for back ground music in animations and learners could also use this to help with lessons in music. I feel that learners could really engage with this activity and motivate them to create music. ‘Computer Games and Learning’ an article by Future Lab, innovation in education explains that ‘Guitar hero’ a musical game that could also be used in various other lessons such as learners could write a report on their experience of playing in the band during the concert or create their own guitar in an art based lesson.

Overall, I feel that we as educators must have the ability to use technology as an advantage to learners learning experience in the classroom. According to Future Lab, innovation in education article believes that educators must not use game based learning as a treat for he pupils but facilitate the game in a way of learning. In some cases learners may explain to the teacher how a certain option on a game works which is not only a learning experience for the teacher but a discovery by the learner. In my opinion, Digital Game based Learning is forever increasing in the classrooms and must be used to enhance pupils learning in every way possible.


The potential of Mobile Devices


In today’s input we were exploring the use of mobile devices in education such as the use of a Nintendo DSi. Having has one of these as a child I felt my immaturity and excitement coming back out as I was so excited and engaged in the facilities the nintendo has to offer (even as an adult now)! At the beginning we were given the chance to explore the Nintendo and look at the various games available that we could use when it comes to teaching within the classroom. Namely the creation of an animation using Flipnote and introducing sound to this by using the Nintendo sound icon. Using this feature a possible lesson that could be played in the classroom is ‘Guess the nursery rhyme’ where learners could create a short animated cartoon about a scene from nursery rhyme. This proves that Flipnote could be used in various subjects for different lessons and can engage the children by using the sound icon to capture their own voice and add humour into their work. I can now see how this could be an advantage to the learners in the classroom.

A second feature is Pictorchat, this is a way of communicating with the people around you in Nintendo DSi’s. We had a lot of fun in this feature during the input as we were able to chat to each other and remind us of the excitement we use to have over this as a child. A game we played that as a future primary teacher I could use in my classroom is a chase like game. This is when the teacher will call out the question and the pupils will have to answer as quick as they can therefore the person who answers first gets a point. This is a fun way of testing learners understanding and knowledge of certain subjects while adding a competitive edge for example using the multiplication tables. This a a safe and good way of allowing young people to use a ‘chat like’ technology without the worry that other people will be able to get into the chat group. I feel this is a very interesting and engaging way of learning that young people can use to develop for example story writing. They can write a story with the old fashioned ways of pen and paper, learners will be able to contribute to the story and write parts each and finally present to the class.

A final feature is the use of the camera on the Nintendo DSi. Learners could use this as a way of making characters by taking pictures(selfies) of themselves using various props and resources it offers. This could be used in a literacy lesson again using a story board by using a series of different pictures playing different characters and come up with a wonderful creation using pictures of themselves. This feature could also be used in a mathematics lesson when teaching the topics of symmetry and shape, for example using the mirror option to allow learners to see certain shapes has a line of symmetry. Overall, I feel that these features allows learners to prove their knowledge and understanding in various forms by being engaged using the sound icon and camera as well as communicating with their friends in the classroom.

An article published by the teaching times head lining ‘Games consoles benefit children;s education’ shows that research by the British Educational Suppliers Association(BESA) suggests that games consoles and the use of mobile phone devices in classrooms are playing an important role. With 406 primary schools taking part in the research, 64% of the schools admitted to providing teaching-directed homework that requires access to technology as home. This shows the the potential of mobile devices in education is not only being used in classrooms but being used at home for the parents and learners to complete homework and provide a better understanding. In addition to this, a document released by the Children’s Parliament proves that young people use at least 30 different types of technology. This statement proves that learners now a days are living in a generation surrounded by technology and must use this as an advantage to their education and engage with these in the classroom.

I personally believe the the use of mobile technologies can extremely benefit today’s learners in classrooms if teachers know exactly how to use the technology in an effective and correct way and use it in a way that pupils will gain a better understanding of the learning. Digital technology allows learners to appreciate their learning and introduce technology to them as they go on to use it in the future. As Drew Buddie, senior vice chair at Naace, the association for the UK’s education technology community said:

“Using technology in an educational environment not only better reflects children’s life outside the classroom, but also allows them to hone their digital skills in a way that will continue to be valuable throughout their adult life.”



Creating an E-book



In todays Digital Technology input we explored the advantages and use of mobile phone devices in classrooms. By having access to various apps via these devices we can explore and create many different lessons. To be able to provide a lesson for learners that was more engaging than the old traditional ways of reading from a printed book we were given the chance to use the app E-book and create an electronic book with pictures, sound effects, videos and various other options. By using the app on a mobile device it allowed us to think about the various ways and lessons that this particular app could be used across the curriculum. Along with a partner we summarised a book through the app and managed to upload pictures and sound effects that would describe the book well. I felt by doing this we were able to play around a little with the app and explore the various effects it had to offer. The option of undo was given so we could easily erase or undo any mistakes we make by accident. I feel that this is extremely important as children make mistakes a lot and by this function of ‘undo’ they can edit their work without destroying the full thing. This would engage children and keep them interested when the teacher is reading a book as they could watch the pictures and play the sound effects. I also felt that pupils could use this app as a way of summarising the book and ensuring that once they have read a book they can understand it and have gained knowledge of it.

Technology like movie phone devices are an ever increasing piece of technology that children are gaining access to one way or another. They allow children to analyse and research various different projects as well as provide opportunities of a new way of learning. Mobile devices offer reliable resources that learners can use in classroom or outdoors and offer learners preferred ways of learning by opening up choice. Therefore, pupils can also learn at home and involve parents in their learning process by downloading apps at homing and completing extra work out with school. The Scottish Government Incentive agrees with this that parents and careers must become more aware of technology and make them see the positives that this can offer rather than the frequent complaints of children using technology as a bad thing. Mike Russel, the education secretary of 2012 showed enthusiasm towards technology when he agreed that education must move forward with the times and introduce mobile devices to a classroom environment. This backs up my argument that technology should be involved frequently in lessons and give children that option of change and chance of creativity.

Following on from this, I truly believe that teachers and learners can truly benefit from these devices and allow access to various different options. An article written by David Andrews in the Guardian discusses the title ‘An Apple for the teacher: are iPads the future in class?” He believes that if iPads were used for the purposes that they should be then it would be a create device to have instead of a laptop. David Andrews explains the advantages iPads can have over laptops and how for example, the touch motion can be of so much more use and time saving rather than waiting on each children logging onto laptops and typing in individual passwords. He argues that he would only introduce mobile devices into classrooms if they were used the correct way which is to fully enhance the education of learners.

To conclude, I feel that mobile devices are becoming so common and familiar to children and as learners I feel that they would fully engage in the learning when it comes to teaching with these. The app E-Book can be used to make a boring lesson fun and engaging and allow all learners to give their full participation and ability in the task given.


Keeping everyone SAFE on the web!

I found todays input extremely interesting however, a bit horrifying and scary. Today, Tuesday 7th February 2017 was World Internet safety day. World Internet safety day is about keeping everyone online safe and ensuring everyone is using the internet in the appropriate ways. This day is also made to raise awareness to not only children but adults as well to learn how to keep their own children safe and secure while exploring the web. As a student teacher, I must be able to educate my learners on this serious topic and have good background knowledge of safety on the internet to be able to give them correct and reasonable information. My lecturer shared a story with us about a young boy called Breck Bednar, who was appallingly murdered by a stranger he was speaking to through social media. This tragic story really touched me and had a huge impact on myself, after this I really felt that I needed to learn and educate the impact the internet really has on society today.

My lecturer provided us with useful resources such as the links to the CEOP ThinkUknow materials which involved huge amounts of information about safety on the internet and how to report any misuse or suspicious behaviour. I feel this resource will come in handy in the future when it comes to lesson planning and the videos will engage children into the lesson and educate them about the use of the internet. In addition to this, I was given materials and links to lesson plans that had already been made up about World Internet Safety Day. These lesson plans were specific to an age group such as 5-7 year olds and 7-11 year olds which I feel the learners will really benefit from as it is targeted at their level. The links also provided us with instructions and prompt cards/questions which can be used when in discussion with the class. A powerpoint was made which included games and quizzes that could be played in the class to try and enlighten the serious topic. I find these resources extremely useful and will definitely take advantage of them in the future when teaching about Internet safety.

In my opinion, Internet Safety is a topic that constantly needs reminding of and the dangers that it can cause to those around us. Many people are still unaware of how dangerous using internet-safetysocial media can be and who the people they are talking to via this actually are. When it comes to children on the internet many of them are still very young and are well unaware of what they are actually doing and who they are speaking to. Society is moving on with the times and technology is forever being advanced. Children now a days have the ability to speak to and write anything about them or other people on the internet. It is up to us and their parents to teach them how to be safe and keep out of danger while on the web.

Coding- a new way of learning!


scratchjrAs you can see from my last post in this weeks digital technology class we were learning about coding programs and how these can enhance learning and teaching within schools. To begin with we shared our thought about coding and why this would benefit the learners today. A few benefits we thought about was the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy today. Technology is an increasing material being used in literacy children must learn to involve themselves in the technology and become aware of the new programs available to them. A second benefit is when people learn to code they learn strategies for solving problems, designing projects and communicating ideas. Therefore it is clear that coding is a new way of engaging with peoples and building on their learning. Sophie Curtis a writer for The Telegraph believes that digital technology namely coding, develops ranges of skills across the curriculum. I agree with Sophie when she explains that children of a weaker ability or children who don’t have a great set of skills at a certain subject can express themselves using coding. This will have a great advantage on a number of learner’s literacy and numeracy skills and will automatically boost their confidence when they are involved by this. By reading this article I truly feel that this programme will engage learners and give them the best learning experience possible through technology.

We were then introduced to  the programme ‘ScratchJr’ which is a program that enables young children to create their own games and interactive stories. We were given the chance to explore the programme for ourselves. Having never used this programme before I found it very beneficial as it aloud me to create and think about when I could use it and for what subject. I found it rather interesting and addictive as I could make up a lesson on almost anything which shows that pupils could express their knowledge and understanding of certain subjects and topics through this program.

In addition to this, we were then given the chance to create our own set of instructions to support teachers using coding in the classroom. Following on from my last post where I posted the set of  instructions, I created instructions for teachers to use coding when teaching learners to spell and count. I felt these instructions were beneficial as they had clearly marked out stages and had graphics to show exactly how the programme should look.

I found this class very exciting and interesting as it gave me the chance to create my own game first before going on to give an explanation of how other teachers could do it. I feel I would be able to use ScratchJr effectively in a classroom on placement and in the future as a student primary teacher.

I am really looking forward to next weeks class!



Early level literacy and numeracy activity- Early spelling and counting

How to teach learners to spell and count using ScratchJr!

welcome-scene1. Select background for the picture

  • Select icon in the middle at the top of the screen
  • Select background named ‘River’. This back ground should appear on your page as following.background-2

2. Select characters 

  • Click the blue circle with the white cross on the left of your screen to select characters
  • Once the characters appear, double click the ones you feel would suit
  • For this particular activity however, select the pig, the dog, the bird and the duck. To select a character more than once return to the characters icon and click it again until you have 2 pigs, 3 birds, a dog and a duck
  • Place them on the picture as they appear on the picture below


3. Spelling characters 

  • To move each animal to show the learners what animal you would like to spell select a character using the bar down the left hand side of your screen
  • Once a character is selected click the blue arrow on the icon bar at the bottom of your screen
  • You must always start with the green flag to allow the movement to work
  • Select the forward arrow to move the pigs and dog forward, you can move these forward as many times as you would like by clicking the number at the bottom and selecting a number using the key pad
  • Select the up and down arrow to move the birds up and down like they’re flying and the duck like its swimming
  • You must drag the arrow to the white bar at the bottom for the system to work.

This will allow learners to know exactly what character you would like them to spell without getting confused by the other characters in the picture.

4. Counting characters 

  • To count the characters with ScratchJr repeat the same steps as the spelling to allow the children to identify what animals they are counting clearly


Watch this video to help your understanding of the programme! 



Why use ScratchJr?

ScratchJr is a useful tool to use in the classroom as learners will instantly become engaged in the software and will be willing to learn through the movements of the picture. By this lesson being numeracy and literacy based this ensures that the learners will be able to develop both skills within one lesson.  Another benefit of this programme is that it can be used in similar lessons and can be adapted to suit certain topics.







Hi! I am finally catching up on my blog post from last week before tomorrows digital technology input.

In last weeks class our first learning intention was to use a programmable toy in interdisciplinary learning contexts. Firstly we read through a presentation which allowed us to go into more depth of the benefits programmable toys have in the classroom now a days. Benefits being its an interactive learning process that involves the children and keeps them engaged in the task. This allows pupils to learn through motivation instead of being stuck reading from texts which could lead the pupils to become easily distracted. Another benefit is instant feedback is received from the learner through the use of the programmable toys and the problem solving they used to work out the task which will help the learner as well as the teacher to find out what they have learned. Programmable toys is also keeping up to date with todays society, children will be use to handling technology and will get enjoyment through this learning process.  As John Naughton, The Observer, The Guardian 31st March 2012 believes that computers used within education is forever increasing however, for the wrong reasons. He believes that children are using technology in a ‘passive’ way rather than learning how to use technology correctly. Children must learn to use the technology given in various ways over the curriculum instead of using it for fun and for non relatable links to the curriculum.

We then logged onto a very interesting website –

This website allowed pupils to control the movement of a turtle where they had to follow instructions and direction stop try and make a certain shape. This was a very useful website for teaching pupils shapes and angles in a classroom environment. TOP TIP- always let pupils explore a website before dealing with the task, this will save time and distraction.

Our final task of the day was to work with a Bee- Bot which is a programmable toy that can be used in many lesson plans for children to control. We had to work in small groups and come up with a  lesson plan that would tie in with Curriculum for Excellence learning outcomes. My group and I decided to base our lesson plan around the book ‘This is the Bear and the Picnic Lunch’ which we would read to the class before hand. This would then settle the lesson and get the learners brains switched on. We decided our lesson would be for first learning outcome however would introduce data analysis. The learners would select what their favourite foods are and what they would take on a picnic with them, we would then select the most popular food and drink to put on our picnic rug, see picture above, which is set out like a Bee – Bot mat. The children would then have to direct the Bee- Bot to what they think the healthiest foods are and finish in the picnic basket. In the end, we would ask the pupils why they thought the foods they chose were the healthiest and why the other ones were unhealthy. I feel this lesson plan would be excellent for the topic of health and well being while involving technology. My group and I’s experiences and outcomes were as following;

  • By investigating a range of foods available I can discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet. HWB1- 30a
  • I am developing problem solving strategies, navigation, and co-ordination skills as I play and learn with electronic games, remote control and programmable toys. TCH- 09a

Thank you for reading, Jill!




To begin I really loved this weeks class in digital technology, I feel I am finally becoming at heart with technology and learning the many different programmes available to teachers in the 21st Century, its amazing!

This week I finally finished off personalising my blog and making it my own! I feel that I am becoming more at ease with blogging and have started to write a few posts already(as you can see)! In addition to this we explored the programme OneDrive which contains various different sites that we could visit. To begin we explored the file word and created multi- author files and sharing documents which myself and a partner was bale to edit at the same time from different computers. I found this a very useful tool that I could use when on placement or in the future with pupils in the classroom when creating a story or building instructions for a project. Pupils will have high engagement and motivation in this tool as they don’t have to wait on their turn come up to the board and edit the document one at a time which is very time consuming. With this resource pupils will all be included and hopefully be able to create a successful outcome. After spending time on this we moved onto another useful tool called Yammer which is imbedded in the website glow, I have previously used Glow in school and luckily had some knowledge on this. Along with the rest of the class we set up a group for the BA1 students who chose to take the digital technologies class. This group will be useful to have discussions about assignments or new blog posts to allow everyone to contribute. I felt this tool was also very interesting and started to give me ideas for when it comes to having a class of my own. I will be able to set up a page with my class to post reminders or homework that the pupils can check daily. This site also allows the group to be kept private to stop various other people commenting on them, which is a good resource for a teaching classroom. Lastly, I explored Wiki and created a private page for myself to put to practice when in a teaching environment. Wiki allows teachers to post events and projects for learners to allow them to again see homework, submissions, class tests dates etc. This will allow pupils to keep track of tests and homework and refrain from losing homework diaries for example. Wiki will also allow myself to post materials for learners to look over and gain access to at home.

Overall, personally I feel that OneDrive is a very useful resource that can be used in classrooms for active learning. All tools within Onedrive can be set to private to prevent unnecessary students or people to mis-treat the page. In the future when using this resource I will ensure I talk to my class about the importance of internet safety and ensure they use the resource to an advantage. I throughly enjoyed using this resource and will definitely use it in my classroom as a teacher. onedrive