Keeping everyone SAFE on the web!

I found todays input extremely interesting however, a bit horrifying and scary. Today, Tuesday 7th February 2017 was World Internet safety day. World Internet safety day is about keeping everyone online safe and ensuring everyone is using the internet in the appropriate ways. This day is also made to raise awareness to not only children but adults as well to learn how to keep their own children safe and secure while exploring the web. As a student teacher, I must be able to educate my learners on this serious topic and have good background knowledge of safety on the internet to be able to give them correct and reasonable information. My lecturer shared a story with us about a young boy called Breck Bednar, who was appallingly murdered by a stranger he was speaking to through social media. This tragic story really touched me and had a huge impact on myself, after this I really felt that I needed to learn and educate the impact the internet really has on society today.

My lecturer provided us with useful resources such as the links to the CEOP ThinkUknow materials which involved huge amounts of information about safety on the internet and how to report any misuse or suspicious behaviour. I feel this resource will come in handy in the future when it comes to lesson planning and the videos will engage children into the lesson and educate them about the use of the internet. In addition to this, I was given materials and links to lesson plans that had already been made up about World Internet Safety Day. These lesson plans were specific to an age group such as 5-7 year olds and 7-11 year olds which I feel the learners will really benefit from as it is targeted at their level. The links also provided us with instructions and prompt cards/questions which can be used when in discussion with the class. A powerpoint was made which included games and quizzes that could be played in the class to try and enlighten the serious topic. I find these resources extremely useful and will definitely take advantage of them in the future when teaching about Internet safety.

In my opinion, Internet Safety is a topic that constantly needs reminding of and the dangers that it can cause to those around us. Many people are still unaware of how dangerous using internet-safetysocial media can be and who the people they are talking to via this actually are. When it comes to children on the internet many of them are still very young and are well unaware of what they are actually doing and who they are speaking to. Society is moving on with the times and technology is forever being advanced. Children now a days have the ability to speak to and write anything about them or other people on the internet. It is up to us and their parents to teach them how to be safe and keep out of danger while on the web.

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