The Scottish Professional Learning Network (originally called the National CLPL Network) was launched in March 2013 as the successor to the National CPD Network. The Network brings together local authority officers, universities and other national partners in a community which offers mutual support and benefit to its members.

The Network has five key strategic objectives:
  • Inform and shape national education policy in Scotland
  • Lead and develop professional learning and leadership at all levels
  • Innovate and inspire across all aspects of professional learning
  • Support collegial and collaborative practice
  • Act as a communication hub to support local and national professional learning policy implementation.

As a network we also aim to:

We connect as a diverse group of colleagues from across Scotland who are passionate about professional learning.

Be active
We are cognitively active in our contributions to the work undertaken by the group.

Take notice
We are mindful of how contributing to the group adds value to our own learning and broadens our own experiences and thinking but also of how this learning can help us to build capacity with those we work with in our own contexts.

We interact with the group with a commitment and readiness to learn from each other.

We are committed to sharing our learning and understanding with others who are part of the group and more widely within our own contexts and networks.

For more details on the make-up and aims of the Network, and its governance, see our Network and Governance paper.

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