Computer Systems

Data Representation

  • Describe and exemplify the use of binary to represent positive and negative integers using two’s complement, including the range of numbers that can be represented using a fixed number of bits.
  • Conversion of two’s complement numbers from binary to denary and vice versa.
  • Describe and exemplify floating-point representation of positive and negative real numbers, using the terms mantissa and exponent.
  • Describe the relationship between the number of bits assigned to the mantissa/exponent, and the range and precision of floating-point numbers.
  • Describe Unicode used to represent characters and its advantage over extended ASCII code (8-bit) in terms of numbers of characters.
  • Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of bit-mapped graphics versus vector graphics.

Computer structure

  • Describe the concept of the fetch-execute cycle.
  • Describe the factors affecting computer system performance:
    • number of processors (cores)
    • width of data bus
    • cache memory
    •  clock speed

Environmental Impact

  • Describe the environmental impact of intelligent systems:
    • heating systems
    •  traffic control
    • car management systems

Security Risks and Precautions

  • Describe and identify the implications for individuals and businesses of
    the Computer Misuse Act 1990:

    • unauthorised access to computer material
    •  unauthorised access with intent to commit a further offence
    •  unauthorised modification of programs or data on a computer
  • Describe and identify the security risks of:
    • tracking cookies
    • DOS (Denial of Service) attacks:
      •  symptoms
        • slow performance, inability to access-
      • effects
        • disruption to users and businesses
      • costs
        •  lost revenue, labour in rectifying fault
      • type of fault
        • bandwidth consumption, resource starvation, Domain
    • Name Service (DNS)
      • reasons
        • financial, political, personal
  • Describe how encryption is used to secure transmission of data:
    • use of public and private keys
    • digital certificates
    • digital signatures