Super STEM!

Primary 7 completed some STEM activities during our first week back. Ask you child if they can explain to you what STEM stands for!

Challenge 1 – We had to build towers using only plastic cups. We had to work co-operatively with our groups to come up with ideas for how to build our towers. Everyone had lots of fantastic strategies and all of the groups worked well together. It was harder than it looked though…. the taller the tower got, the more chance it had of falling down! We learned some lessons along the way. The most important lesson we learned was that the towers had to have strong and solid foundations to keep them stable when more cups were added.

Challenge 2 – We had to build some towers again, this time with balloons! We applied the lessons that we learned from our first challenge to ensure that our foundations were strong. We were allowed to use sellotape to stick the balloons together, this helped us but it also made it tricky if we needed to move the placement of any balloons.

Have a look at some of our pictures below!


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