Non- Uniform Day- Rwanda Style

Just a quick reminder that it’s non-uniform day tomorrow (27.05.16).

Please try to wear something blue, green or yellow(or all three!) to support us in our mission of taking teaching and learning resources to our host school in Rwanda to support education, and buy a few resources to enhance Global Learning at Redwell next session.


I can’t wait to see everyone in their colourful casual clothes tomorrow! Miss Stephens

Learning in Term 3

Hi everyone, just a quick update of what we got up to last term.

Learning in Term 3:

In term 3 we focused on Health and Wellbeing. The children are aware of how friendships are formed and that likes, dislikes and different qualities can influence relationships. The children were all able to identify ‘My Five’; people who they could talk to when things worry or upset them. The children are aware of the different roles of carers in their lives. We learned about personal space and boundaries and recognize how to respond appropriately. We also enjoyed role play activities and playing the ‘Space Bubble’ game in gym lessons. The children worked on identifying a variety of emotions and were able to discuss how to respond to these. They recongise that we all have similarities and differences and can appreciate that we are all unique. We learned about the growing body and the correct names for the different parts and how they work. The children also worked co-operatively to order the stages of human life. They will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding within Health and Wellbeing in term four with a focus on basic hand cleaning and dental care routines.

The children worked very hard to learn the number bonds to 5 and 10 in numeracy and this helped us with addition. We worked on written and mental strategies to support this and can now calculate basic addition sums within 10. We can reognise and use the correct symbols, create number stories to 10, use a number line and can ‘count on’ for addition. We also learned about Data Handling. We conducted some surveys in our class and even in the school grounds. We learned how to use a simple tally to collect our data and transfer this into simple tables and graphs.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing focus, the children wrote about times when they were like the Rights Respecting School Characters and also about times when they were a good friend. Through their writing the children consolidated the use of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children are becoming more confident in using their letter sounds, tricky word wall to help them to write more independently.

Class Assembly

We had a very busy week last week learning all about Jack and the Beanstalk and preparing for our Class Assembly.

We have been using magic beans to help us complete addition sums in maths.





We have been learning about rhyming words. We played a fun game where we had to find the rhyming words in our classroom on leaves from Jack’s beanstalk and match them up. Here are a few photos.







We all did a super job in our Class Assembly and said our lines with confidence and enthusiasm. Miss Stephens was very proud of us all.


We will blog again soon.



A week ago something strange happened in the Yellow Wing. There were glittery footsteps and a letter with small holes in it left for us after playtime. The letter was from the Friendly Dragon. He told us that he used to live in a wonderful place called Fairyland but his home has disappeared. It is now our mission to help the Friendly Dragon to re-build Fairlyland in the Yellow Wing!


