W/B 30.10.23

It was Halloween week at Oakburn,  and fire safety week ahead of firework night. here are some of the spooktacular activities we got up to!

Throughout the week the Acorn children have been focusing on fire safety 🔥!

We were creative and made some fire sticky pictures and spoke about fire being hot, one of the children told me “red is hot and blue is cold”!

In the garden the children used the spray bottles to put out the fire drawn with chalk on the ground. We pretended to be firefighters 🚒. Using fine motor and hand eye coordination to aim at the chalk fire drawings. We saved the nursery 🚨!

Woodwork area

This week in the woodwork area we focused on Halloween 🎃 we practised our fine motor skills positioning and hammering nails into the pumpkin. We discussed the different shapes we usually see on a pumpkin, drew those shapes and then used the drawing as a guide line to hammer the nails into it.

Fine motor area

In the fine motor area this week we have been creating fireworks using tissue paper. The boys and girls have spoke about how to keep safe and all of the different colours they see when the fireworks go off.

Small world

This week in the small world area, the children have done a wonderful job of decorating the area themselves, as well as, taking part in a variety of Halloween activities 🎃 👻 when asked what they found scary, the most common answer was spiders so we made our own friendly spiders and hung them from our giant spiders web! This developed the children ability to design and create their own models and was a good way to develop their scissor skills. The children also made their very own spooky stories! The were asked to illustrate and tell their story and they were all just so fantastic! We had a story about a ghost who was scared of the dark but by using a torch they could still join in all the nighttime fun! Amazing imagination 🌈 frightfully spectacular work everyone!

This week has been very busy in the art area, from making Halloween masks to firefighters and fireworks! These activities have helped to develop the children’s fine motor skills, their cutting and sticking and hand eye coordination. We have had so much creative fun this week, the children have made some fabulous pictures and have been having lovely interactions with our friends we have seen lots of amazing team work🎃 🎇.

STEM area

In the STEM area we have been exploring Halloween. The children carried out a pumpkin investigation, we carried out science experiments to create pumpkin potions, using cocktail sticks and sweeties we created our own spooky towers, the children learned about body parts by creating their own marshmallows skeletons.

Snack area

We have had lots of spooky food at snack this week!



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