After reading pages 2 – 32, I have learned that unlike high school work cannot be marked and remarked, it is a one time submission. This is totally different to what I am used to. I now understand the importance of proof reading and getting others to check your work. I have also learned that no-one will chase you for your work, it is your responsibility to meet deadlines and complete work to the highest standard possible and that failure to do this could result in you being unable to continue your course.
I am more aware of the skills and personalities that employers are looking for in graduated pupils such as: being able to take risks, set personal goals, be able to work as part of a team and independently and finally you must display commitment. The book also highlights the fact that you are responsible for your own study and won’t be told when or possibly even what to study.
All in all, University is all about organisation, commitment and taking responsibility in your own work.